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With bodies from both sides littering the ground the epic battle for the village carried on. Spread out among the chaos, individual fights were still waging onward. One of which was Amarice versus the other deceased Amazon council member Nova. The two Amazon's swords clashed as they fought for dominance.  Nova pushed Amarice back and followed up with a swipe of her blade. Amarice hopped back as she avoided the strike. She then launched her own offense with a series of slashes with her sword. Nova avoided the hits and countered with a swift kick to Amarice's stomach and then another to her face. Amarice fell back and looked up as Nova stood over her.

Huh, you seem vaguely familiar. Have we met?

Not directly. Though I did fight in the war between the Amazons.

Oh yes, I think I remember seeing you. You chose to side with Gabrielle and Xena and their supporters.

Of course, I did. Gabrielle's a good queen and none of what happened back then was her fault.

Amarice kicked Nova away and then hopped to her feet.

Ha, you must be joking.

Nova swung at Amarice and the two exchanged multiple rapid sword strikes and blocks.

Just look at what's happening now. This village that was supposed to be hidden and protected is in chaos. And why, because an enemy of Xena and Gabrielle tracked them down and then discovered its secret. And now All Amazons as well as everyone else are in danger.

Amarice took a swipe to her upper arm and backed off slightly as she grimaced in pain from the fresh cut as a bit of blood began to run down her arm.

If you're so concerned about the Amazons and the village then why are you helping to attack it?

Because once this village falls then there will be no denying the negligence of that shame of a queen Gabrielle and the danger that both she and Xena pose to the Amazon people. Then if they somehow survive this there will be no choice but to take action against them and any of their loyal followers.

You're wrong. Both Gabrielle and Xena are some of our people's greatest allies. And both of them along with the rest of us are gonna protect this village.

You're welcome to try.

Nova charged back in and she and Amarice continued their battle. Elsewhere on the battlefield Iris and Fauna were still facing off against their former Amazonian sister and friend Kai.

You need to stop this Kai.

Kai swiped at Fauna with her sword.

Why should I? This is what happens when you desert one of your own.

You're attacking your own people over something that you were rightfully banished for. You tried to kill our queen just to make Xena suffer.

(Angry tone) I was doing what was right for our people. We've spent our whole lives in this village together Fauna, but still, you and the others choose those two over one of your own.

That's not true and you know it. You were my friend Kai and I'm sorry but you can't blame any of what happened on anyone but yourself.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now