Chapter 12

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Yoohoo Author Chan back again. Here you go chapter 12.

Yanli was sleeping peacefully while she got a phone call. She didn't even look at it and said

"Hello, who is it?"

"Shijie ,you haven't woken up yet have you? Quit being lazy and get up" A voice scolding came from the phone.

Yanli was surprised to know who it was .She sat up and said "A-cheng!"

"Ah so Shijie finally know who it is"Jiang Cheng said.

"Oh come on A-cheng, How could I forget about you. I was just sleepy and didn't saw who was calling.This Shijie is sorry " Yanli said trying to make up.

Jiang Cheng sighed "It's ok Shijie."

"Ah A-cheng why did you call suddenly. Was it just to wake me up"

"No, I called you to say I am coming back. Tell it to that stupid also."

"Really A-cheng!"Yanli said happily."Sure, I would say the news to A-xian."

"I came back yesterday now I am waiting for taxi to come back home."

"Ah ok, Bye then A-cheng Come back home early."

"Mm bye Shijie"With that they hanged the phone .

At breakfast

Yanli, wuxian and A-zhan were having breakfast while suddenly yanli said "A-cheng is coming back from the US"

"Jiang Cheng is coming back"wei wuxian said with a smile.

"Yes, A-cheng called me this morning and said he will be coming back today"Yanli said.

Wuxian sighed and said "I am happy that he is coming back, I had missed him."

Yanli said with a smile "Mm, But after he come, Both of you shouldn't fight okay?"

Wuxian nodded.

He suddenly remembered that A-zhan was sitting beside.

He looked at the confused A-zhan ,knowing he is confused because he doesn't know who Jiang Cheng is.

"Ah right, Jiang Cheng is my shidi. You probably don't know him. He is coming back today.He had went studying in the US" wei wuxian explained.

"Oh I see" A-zhan said finally understanding.

"He is basically your brother-in-law"wuxian added.

A-zhan blushed at wuxian's confidence, he doesn't even know if jiang Cheng will accept him. But he is saying it like they both got approval from everyone and they are going to get married in the future.

They all talked and ate .

Jiang Cheng had stopped the taxi somewhere and told off the taxi. He decided to walk since he have gotten back ,he wanted to see around. It won't take that long to get to his home anyway.

He walked and breathed the fresh air.

The reason why Jiang Cheng went to the US While wuxian stayed had a reason not really. His brother was stubborn and wouldn't go to the US with Jiang Cheng .He said he loved staying here and that he would miss his friends If he go there.And that he couldn't stay away from his best friends Nie huaiseng, Wen ning and Wen Qing.

But Jiang Cheng didn't want to stay like wei wuxian. Or that he wanted to but he couldn't. He didn't have much friends like wuxian. He only had the group which had Wei wuxian,Nie huaiseng, Wen ning,Wen Qing and himself.

Wuxian was famous and knew how to flirt with girls. He had a soft and kind heart. But also a handsome face. He was the second handsome boy in the school.The first was that damned peackok,Jin zixuan. He didn't know how he even got first. While Jiang Cheng was the third. He wasn't jealous of wei wuxian because he was the second in handsome.

Instead he was jealous because he was often appreciated by his parents ,friends and teachers and wei wuxian was also good at studying.Even though he would mess around everytime. He was a nerd.It wasn't that he hated wuxian being appreciated it's just that he never got the same treatment as him.

Even though he was a nerd .He was famous with lots of people around him. But he would still hang around the group. He have thought several times why wuxian would still hang out with him. Why? He have lots of friends then why? Why does he always call us friends and not them?

He hated how wuxian would play hero.

No matter what Jiang Cheng did. He would never come as close as wei wuxian. He would always be lower than him. And he hated the fact that his father favoured wei wuxian. Whenever wei wuxian got in trouble his father would always find up excuses and save him. But when he got in trouble his father would always scold him and ground him.

Wasn't I his son also?Did he hate him or what?

Wei wuxian was kind and sweet. While Jiang Cheng had a cold and arrogant heart which he got from his mother. Because of this people would call him off.

When wuxian said he wanted to stay and not go abroad. His parents told him it was ok and that he can stay and study.

But when he said he also wanted to stay. His parents said that he have to be big and keep the family's fortune.They didn't let him stay but instead forced him to go study abroad.

Why does he get to stay and I have to go?Isn't he the eldest son?Shouldn't he be the one to go?

When his parents died in a accident. He couldn't even see them for one last time. They didn't allow him to go home and see his parents. He could only cry in silence.

He hated how everyone favoured wei wuxian over him ...except....his Shijie. She would always stay by his side.When he couldn't go see his parents body for one last time. It was always Yanli who
would call him and comfort him saying that A-die and A-niang must be proud .

It was always her. Who would be by his side when he was sad angry or happy and when she was abroad he would always call her and cry when he was sad.She would always comfort him. Yell when he was angry. But his Shijie never said anything about it.Get Excited when he was happy. She would get excited with him.

And today he was going back. To his real home. Where his memories stayed in. Where his Shijie and shixiong stayed in.

While he was thinking about this. Something suddenly hit his leg. He looked down to see... a cat. "Meow!"

It was a white cat with grey colour around its eyes.

"Shoo! Shoo!Go somewhere else."He tried to shoo the cat away.

But it didn't go,instead it stayed "Meow!"

It seemed like it had been starving for days .It wanted to go home with Jiang Cheng.

After so many failed tries to shoo away the cat away. He gave up and finally picked up the cat. He wanted to abandon it but seeing the look in the Cat's eyes he couldn'tjust abandon it so he brought it to home.

So yes Jiang Cheng have appeared now.

This chapter mainly focused of Jiang Cheng's side.

I wanted to write more but it was late and I was hungry.

A-niang - Mother
A-die - Father
Shixiong - Senior brother.

Can you guess who the cat is?

Word count : 1230 words.

My Cat boyfriend (Yizhan/Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now