Chapter 22

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October 27th-
I'm sure the students and others at Night Raven College had gone to sleep. Preparations would go on until the 31st, so they had plenty of time. Besides, it was almost midnight where we were. Why wouldn't anyone be asleep by now? All I know is that I need sleep. Badly. Annie can hardly stay up; the only thing is the never-ending fright keeping her up. As for me, it's the constant thought of falling asleep and then waking up covered in crimson lotus flowers. Eep.


The others were in the courtyard. Annie's ears were bent back from worry. She wondered if Riddle would be alright without her or the others. "Hey, Annie. Don't worry. Riddle's gonna be just fine. Believe me," Silver said, holding her hands.

She giggled and nodded, wiping a tear that had been forming in the corner of her eye. "We managed to get out unscathed thanks to Rosehearts and Felmier. Let's ride this momentum and head to the bell tower," Malleus said, leading the way.

Deuce couldn't wrap his head around it. He was confident in front of Riddle, but now he was worried. "Riddle... Epel... I hope they're both okay," he mumbled.

Sebek looked at him. "What are you so anxious about? Riddle and Epel themselves said they'd be fine. Have some more confidence in them," he insisted, a hand on the other first-year student's shoulder.

"He's right. I'm pretty sure those two are fighting back and then some!" Ruggie added.

With a new light in his eyes, Deuce looked up, smiling brightly. They were right. They'd be perfectly fine! Idia leaned near Ruggie and whispered to him. "Ruggie... I-I don't think it's good to lie like that... I'm sure you're well aware that those two don't stand a chance, right?" he asked.

The hyena turned to the lankier young man and nodded. "Yeah, but sometimes ignorance is bliss, y'know?" he replied.

Malleus nodded. "Yes, I think so, too. Say I've been flocked by the flowers, for example... I'd feel reassured knowing that someone would make sure to ring the bell before I ran out of energy. They offered themselves up fully aware of the dangers they'll be facing. We need not worry that they will do something reckless," he explained.

"Yes... We need to hurry to the bell if we want to help them," Silver replied.

Rook also agreed with this. "Exactly. We shouldn't scare ourselves with the worst-case scenario. Dear Epel has a reliable signature spell as well," he added.

Epel had a signature spell? Allison didn't know that. He must have figured it out when she wasn't around to see. "Yes, if he executes it well, his magic barrier will keep them both safe. Think of it this way... We're really lucky that Epel's spell is a good match for those flowers," Jamil commented.

"Yes, considering that most signature spells aren't really useful against non-humans," Azul put in.

The Scarabia vice-housewarden rolled his eyes as Allison giggled. "Yeah, I know a certain someone with a strong spell, but I doubt that he can get those flowers to sign a contract," he retorted.

Indeed, the flowers weren't human, so they couldn't sign one of Azul's contracts with his spell "It's a Deal." It was impossible. "Indeed. The flowers don't have eyes, so my acquaintance can't hypnotize them into submission either," Azul replied.

It was the words "hypnotize them into submission" that made Allison's cheeks feel hot. Jamil could do that?! She wondered what amazing things he could do with that spell and how long it would last. "I get it. My signature spell's useless against plants, too," Ruggie said, his voice bland.

"Mine allows me to absorb energy, so it won't work if there's no magic thrown at me first... I guess how powerful a signature spell depends on the situation, too," Deuce added.

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