Chapter 34

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December 19th–
I got a letter that Skylar's siblings were also happy to see him. His siblings were quick to play games with him like Uno, Twister, and Slap Jack. It's like everyone's happy with their family. But no one told us what happened to Allison. Did she end up going back to Italy for the break? Did she stay at Pomefiore with someone? Or... Eh, who knows? Anyway, I've been bombarded with questions from all of my siblings, including my father over the phone. I haven't talked to him since I was a first-year, and it feels amazing to hear his voice again after a year of not hearing from him. I wish Allie got to hear from her family; including her brother. I want to hear him say sorry for all the shit he did to her!!


Back down the rabbit hole, Whitney was serving her kids carrot cupcakes she had finished making. As the children chowed them down, Annie took the top of the cupcake off and turned it into a little sandwich, biting into the cake and icing. "Did Riddle teach you that?" one of her sisters asked.

"I learned it from my friend Skylar," Annie replied.

The children watched in amazement and tried to mimic her actions, only to mess up. Whitney saw this and laughed, snapping as the cupcakes reformed, splitting horizontally in two. All of the kids cheered and created cupcake sandwiches. "Aww, these are cute! Time to eat them!" one child chimed.

Annie watched them all pop the small carrot cakes in their mouths. "You know, Annie. Your father wrote a letter, and I'm thankful that it got sent here just in time for your arrival. He had wished you the best new year and said he'd be home by the time spring break rolls around," Whitney said.

All of the kids cheered in excitement as Annie's ears perked up. Her father, Jerome, was a police officer. He usually got his break from spring break until school started in August. It was a long time, but it was made worth it for the Whitlock family. Whitney and the children had plenty of time to surprise Jerome with gifts, games, and delicacies to enjoy while on his long vacation. "Mom!! Mom!!" one of the children called.


"What's for dinner?"

Whitney playfully put a finger to her lips, looking up. She was thinking. Annie giggled and crossed one leg over the other as her mother came up with an idea. "Carrot and vegetable soup for dinner with toasted bread and boysenberry tart for dessert," Whitney replied. 

The children cheered and clapped as Annie's eyes sparkled at the thought of boysenberry tart. Maybe she could make some for Riddle when they went back to Night Raven College.


Back at the Burnoa Isles, Kaimana, Kekoa, Noelani, Kalei, and their Tutu sat around their wooden kitchen table, eating their sushi. "Did someone put too much soy sauce in mine?" Noelani asked, grimacing a bit.

"No, it's because Kaimana accidentally dipped that salmon piece in soy sauce," Kalei replied.

Kaimana sheepishly grinned as Kekoa sneered, elbowing his brother. Their Tutu rolled her eyes and popped another sushi roll in her mouth. "Boys, haven't you learned that Noelani doesn't like her sushi like that? You've known her all your life. Has a year at Night Raven College made you forget that?" she asked.

"No, Tutu. The salmon just slipped from the chopsticks I was using," Kaimana replied, trying to hide an eye roll behind lidded eyes.

Their Tutu frowned and took a chunk of gold that was implanted in Kaimana's wrist, twisting it, causing him to yell in pain. A tiny bit of blood squirted from his wrist and landed on the wooden table. "Mom, stop!! You know he's still sensitive!" Kalei exclaimed, standing up.

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