Chapter 39

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December 21st–
I told my mom about Allison's situation regarding not answering any messages we sent her. She told me that she'd do anything she could to call her parents, but that's the LAST thing we wanna do!! I've heard the stories of their mistreatment towards Allie and her future. They want to keep her in the performing industry. Honestly; what kind of parent decides to crush their child's dreams of studying magic?? Not mine! They knew I wanted to study magic, and they let me! And I'm not saying we're all privileged or anything, but for Allie's parents to deny her the ability to try something new is just terrible.


Whitney and Annie sat in the living room while Jerome played with the kids outside their rabbit hole. The two women were talking about the fox girl's current situation and contemplating who to ask about her whereabouts. "You said we can't call her parents. Why?" Whitney asked.

"Mom! Those are the LAST people we wanna call when Allison's brought up! They're so strict about her freedom and future. They wanna make her a performer when she wants to make puppets and sell them for profit! Heck– she wants to study magic, too! And her parents aren't gonna let her do it!" Annie responded.

As Whitney listened to Annie's testimony about her friend, she began to understand more. "Honey, I know you don't want to call her parents, but who else can we call?" she inquired.

"Not her parents, not the twins, and now Skylar. Let me try calling Crowley," Annie replied, going to her contacts.

She tapped Crowley's number and listened to the ringtone. That's when someone picked up. "Hello? This is Mr. Crowley speaking."

"Mr. Crowley, this is Annie Whitlock. I need you to get in touch with Alli–"

"Sorry, but you're speaking during my lovely vacation– I MEAN my private investigation. Have a good day, Miss Whitlock."

He then hung up. "I bet Allie tried to call him, and he gave that same fucking answer. He's ALWAYS like that!!" the rabbit exclaimed.

Whitney put a hand on her daughter's shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Honey, I know you and your friends don't like Crowley. And trust me; based on what I've just heard, I already hate him too. But we have to move past that. We don't have time to yell and get angry at him because it's like getting angry with ourselves. So let's put our heads on straight and think. Do you think you could go to school and see what's going on?" she said.

Annie shook her head. The campus could be closed. It should be; hardly anyone's there. "Then let's retaliate. Call Skylar. Does he know everything you know? ... Including Crowley's phone issue?"

The rabbit shook her head. Whitney clasped her hands together and got up, going to her phone. She had Skylar's parents' numbers, so this wouldn't be too much of an issue; the word was going to get out super fast, and before they knew it, Annie, Skylar, and soon, the Makani twins, would be in a world of hurt.


Allison trudged into Scarabia, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She had to explain everything to Jade, Floyd, and Azul, from Kalim's mood swings to the students' hostile behavior toward her. And she left her kiss with Jamil out of the equation, though Azul figured it happened when he mentioned the second-year student's name. "Hello, gentlemen. Mind if we pop by?" Azul asked, poking his head into the lounge.

"Good GRAVY, it's hot here. Feels like the middle of summer," Floyd groaned.

Allison, despite her tiredness, hid a giggle and clung to Jade's arm for support. "You're the Octavinelle guys who gave us a thrashing last night!" one student exclaimed.

Thick & Thin [𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭]Where stories live. Discover now