Chapter 38

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December 21st-
At last, I finished the sketch of my friends. I plan to bring it to them at graduation. You know... take a nice picture in front of Night Raven College with the picture with us. Doesn't that sound nice? Anyway, now it's just a matter of waiting for our graduation; May 25th of next year. And although it seems like a while away, it's not that far in terms of school days. My siblings always are like "Oh my God, Skylar! School flies by so fast!" "Is there a way to make it go any slower? I feel like I'm not enjoying everything!" And to that, I just shrug. I, for one, don't think school's going by too fast. Although, some of the people outside of our world may agree with my siblings. And do I care? Nah– we have our opinions.


"Dude, stop blasting Bonnie Tyler!"

Kekoa looked from his bed and took his headphones off, pausing his music. The jack had been disconnected from the radio and he was blasting If You Were a Woman by Bonnie Tyler. Noelani had gotten him into that music two days ago, and boy, had he gotten hooked since hearing the song he was listening to. He was wearing no shirt and jeans with tears on his knees. He also wore mismatched socks and his hair was wrapped in a towel. The usual flowing chunk of lava hair was dropped and maroon. Noelani stood in the doorway, wearing her hair in two braids behind her with a summer dress and flip-flops. "Yes?" Kekoa asked.

"Did you not hear? Mom called for lunch."

She walked out as Kekoa got up, throwing a tank top on and taking the towel off his head. Ruffling his long maroon-colored hair, he walked downstairs to be met with Kaimana, who also must have gotten out of the shower. His usually straight purple hair was curly and a darker shade of purple. Kalei was in the kitchen making herbal tea as she sucked on a throat lozenge. "Mom? Is everything okay?" Kekoa asked.

"Hm? ... Oh yeah. I'm fine," Kalei replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kaimana walked to his brother and sister and explained that Tutu had been sick lately and that Kalei had gotten it as well. He then handed them masks. "Mom and Tutu both have bronchitis. But when I asked them how they got it, they were unsure. I'll be taking a canoe to the pharmacy if you guys wanna come with me," Kaimana said.

"Might as well," Noelani replied.

"Then I guess I'm coming too," Kekoa added.

From the kitchen, Kalei grinned and poured herself tea as she went to sit down. The Makani siblings went outside and got in their canoe, rowing to a pharmacy on an island not too far from their home island. The Burnoa Isles were made of multiple islands both big and small. The shopping center was on the biggest island, which was in the center of it all. Upon arriving at the island pharmacy, the siblings got off their canoe and walked on the sand and into the medical hut. The pharmacist looked up from her lunch, greeting the kids. "What can I do for you?" she asked.

"We need cough syrup for our mom," Noelani said.

The pharmacist nodded and went behind a wall, going into her office. "So... While she's getting it, who wants to find a place to get food?" Kaimana asked.

"Yeah since we're not rowing back to Mom to get food only to come back and get her medicine. We can just swim to the farmer's market and buy stuff to eat. Because yeah, I'm getting hungry as well," Kekoa said.

Noelani was already out the door as she dove into the water, swimming to the farmer's market. She memorized what her brothers always got from the market, so asking wasn't needed from her. The twins watched their sister swim and resurface on the other side, now standing where the market was. Noelani waved so they knew she was alright. She turned and wrung her hair out as she walked through, seeing the different vendors and shops. Fresh fruit and vegetables were everywhere. Flowers from all over the magic dimensions could be smelled from where the Makani twins stood. Noelani then caught sight of a special vendor; one that sold not fruits or vegetables, but authentic island pastries.

Thick & Thin [𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭]Where stories live. Discover now