Truth Or Dare #4

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Me: Welcome back to Truth or Dare, everyone. Now let's get on with this game!

Blaze: Truth for Sailorneptuna: What is your worst habit?

Me: My worst habit was having mental blocks. I used to do that all the time when I was little and now I sometimes do that.

Vector: Truth for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Amy, Cream, Tikal, Rouge and Blaze: If you were high school teachers, what classes would you teach?

Sonic: Music.

Tails: Mechanics

Knuckles: P.E.

Shadow: Self defense.

Silver: Power of friendship.

Blaze: Language Arts.

Amy: Baking.

Cream: Gardening.

Tikal: Chao bonding.

Rouge: Jewelry making.

Charmy: Dare for Sailorneptuna: Describe your dream wedding.

Me: My wedding would be like in a chapel with beautiful flowers and me in a nice wedding gown.

Tails: Dare for Sonic: Spray paint graffiti on Eggman's base.

Sonic: Be right back, guys. Zooms his way to Eggman's base with graffiti spray can

Me: Dare for Rouge: Eat a live mosquito.

Rouge: Fine Eats the mosquito Hey it's not that bad. I need to eat these more often.

Me: Well, that's unexpected.

Tails: Dare for Cream: Hop around like an actual rabbit.

Cream: started hopping like a real rabbit

Me: Shadow, prepare yourself. Dare for Shadow: Sniff Knuckles's armpits.

Shadow sniffs Knuckles' armpits and groan in disgusts

Shadow: Did you even bathe yourself?

Knuckles: Never have the time.

Shadow: Next time bathe yourself!

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