Truth Or Dare #29

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Blaze: Truth for Sailorneptuna: Have you got a driver's license?

Me: No, not yet, but hopefully this month I might get it once I'm not too busy with school.

Sally: Truth for sonamy, taiream, knuxikal, and silvaze: Do you wish you were immortal?

Sonamy: Yes.

Taiream: Yes.

Knuxikal: Yes

Silvaze: Yes

Nicole: Dare for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver: Let your girlfriends borrow your credit cards.

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver gave their credit cards to their partners.

Me: Dare for Amy, Cream, Tikal, Rouge, and Blaze: Go on an expensive shopping spree with your boyfriends' credit cards.

Amy and the girls went on their shopping spree.  Amy brought in a lot of expensive cooking supplies.  Cream brought in her new dresses.  Tikal brought in her new bracelets and earrings.  Rouge brought in the most expensive jewelry.  Blaze brought in the most expensive headpieces.

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