Truth Or Dare #42

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Me: Truth for Mighty, Sonia, Manic, Honey, Ray and Marine: Wake up early or stay up late?

Mighty: Wake up early

Sonia: Wake up early

Manic: Stay up late

Honey: Stay up late

Ray: Wake up early

Marine: Stay up late

Sonic: Dare for Mighty, Manic and Ray: Surprise your girlfriends with expensive earrings.

Sonic: Dare for Mighty, Manic and Ray: Surprise your girlfriends with expensive earrings

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Mighty ^

Mighty ^

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Mighty, Manic, and Ray gave their girlfriends, their surprise earrings

Amy: Dare for Tails:dress up as Stocking(from Panty and Stocking)

Tails dressed in a female's red dress, red high heels, golden bracelets, golden hoop earrings, and a yellow wig.

Tails: Dare for Cream:ditto but as Panty(From Panty and Stocking)

Cream puts on a gothic lolibita dress, a long dark purple wig, blue bow, black shoes, and stripped leggings.

Me: truth for Zooey and Cosmo:when y'all kiss, do one, or both of you grab the others butt?(just saying)

Zooey and Cosmo: both of us grab each other's buttcheeks.

Marine: Dare for Boom Tails and Sticks:Meet Yuri(ddlc) and Natsuki(ddlc)

Boom Tails and Sticks went to the portal to meet Yuri and Natsuki. 20 minutes later, they came back with their fur sticking up.

Sonia: Truth for Tails: is there a alternative universe that Sonic and shadow together?

Tails: I'm not so sure at this point, but I'll try my best just to make sure.

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