Truth Or Dare #34

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Silver: Truth for Sailorneptuna: Would you prefer to become immortal or stay mortal?

Me: I would say become immortal.

Boom Sonic: Truth for sonamy, taiream, knuxikal, shadouge and silvaze: What do you love most about your significant other?

Sonic: Her beauty.

Amy: His heroism.

Tails: Her cuteness.

Cream: His inventions.

Knuckles: Her care of her chaos.

Tikal: His brawn.

Shadow: Her personality.

Rouge: His soft heart.

Silver: Her loyalty.

Blaze: His childish behavior.

Nicole: Dare for Sailorneptuna: Touch your nose with your tongue.

Nepty tries to touch her nose with her tongue and it took her only 50 mins to achieve it.

Charmy: Dare for sonamy, taiream, knuxikal, shadouge and silvaze: Defeat Eggman by grossing him out by showing how lovey dovey you are with each other.

Nepty took out her phone to record their lovey dovey moments.

Sonamy: Sonic pinned Amy to the wall and started flirting with each other until they kissed.

Taiream: Tails cuddles with Cream in his arms and kisses her.

Knuxikal: Knuckles started making out with Tikal on the couch.

Shadouge: Shadow started making out with Rouge on the table.

Silvaze: Silver started making out with Blaze on the bed.

Nepty got everything on camera and posted them to Eggman, then received a reaction from him with an angry face emoji and surprised emoji.

Boom Amy: Dare for Boom Tails:look under Sticks' skirt

OG Boom Tails looked under Sticks' skirt and received a slap on the face by OG Sticks.

Boom Knuckles: Dare for Sticks:Tickle Boom Tails

OG Sticks tickles OG Boom Tails on the stomach.

Perci: Dare for Boom Tails(2):Poke one of Sticks breasts

OG Boom Tails poke Sticks' left breast.

Blaze: Dare for Sticks(2):Hug one of Boom tails' Tails

OG Sticks hugs OG Boom Tails' left tail.

Amy: Truth for Sticks:how older are you?

Sticks: I would say 4 years older, so I'm like 16 years old.

Cream: Truth for Boom Tails:what's the dirtiest dream you had of Sticks

OG Boom Tails: I don't remember, to be honest. Maybe it's about her strength and how hot she is in her clothes.

Me: We got a message from SuperShips2. Message for Sticks:"I know you want to have kids with (Boom)Tails


Rouge: Dare for Zooey:do something to make cosmo blush

Zooey walks over to Cosmo and sat down on her lap, making Cosmo blush pink.

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