Truth Or Dare #14

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Me: Hi everyone! Welcome back to Truth Or Dare with Sonic and his crew! We got more kooky truths and dares for us and even got a special guest to join us, Larry The Lynx!

Larry: Thank you for inviting me, kid.

Me: You're welcome. Also I received a comment from our fan and our fan stated that I should be reborn as a hedgehog.

Silver: NO! Everyone, convince Nepty to be reborn as a hedgecat!

Tails: NO! Foxbit! Everyone, convince her to be a foxbit!

Sonic: Nuh Uh! Everyone, convince her to stay as a hedgehog!

Shadow: Hell Nah! Everyone, vote for Nepty to be a hedgebat!

Knuckles: Everyone, vote for Nepty to be an echidna!

Larry: Get on with the dares otherwise we'll never get 'em done.

Sonic: Truth for Amy: Have you ever considered being a supermodel?

Amy: I kinda considered myself as a supermodel 'cause of the fashion show bit from the mafia series.

Knuckles: Truth for Tikal: Why are chao so drawn to you?

Tikal: The chaos is drawn to me because I managed to befriend them with my own kind nature.

Rouge: Truth for Silver and Blaze: If you could time travel to any time period in the past, which would you choose?

Silver: I would choose the medieval period 'cause Blaze is most likely on the royalty side.

Blaze: It's true.

Cream: Truth for Tails: Were you bullied in the past?

Tails: Yes, I was bullied due to my extra tail, but Sonic sees me as a special fox with a different ability.

Shadow: Dare for Blaze and Tikal: Swap outfits.

Blaze and Tikal swap their outfits with each other.

Tikal: I can tell why Blaze wanted to wear long sleeved dresses.

Blaze: Yes, because I don't want to expose my skin.

Me: Dare for Amy: Give Sailorneptuna a very girly makeover.

Amy puts some eyeshadow, blush, eyeliner, foundation, and lipstick on my face.

Amy puts some eyeshadow, blush, eyeliner, foundation, and lipstick on my face

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Amy: Now you look pretty.

Me: Thanks, Amy.

Larry: Dare for Rouge: Spy on Eggman and see if he's making out with Thunderbolt the Chinchilla.

Rouge flew over to Eggman's lair and noticed him making out with Thunderbolt.

Rouge: Eggman is making out with Thunderbolt!

Everyone gasps in shock

Larry: Get on with the dares!

Tikal: Dare for Shadow: Let Sonic borrow your motorcycle so he can do some awesome motorcycle tricks with it.

Sonic takes Shadow's motorcycle outside to do some tricks and came back with the motorcycle without any scratches.

Charmy: Dare for Larry Lynx: Kiss Sticks.

Larry kisses Sticks on the lips.

Perci: Dare for Boom Cream: Kiss Boom Tails.

Boom Cream kisses Boom Tails on the lips.

Boom Sonic: Dare for Boom Tikal: Kiss Boom Knuckles.

Boom Tikal kisses Boom Knuckles.

Me: dare for boom sonic: think about wearing boom Amy's panties on your head

Boom Sonic started blushing as he thought about wearing Boom Amy's panties on his head.

Boom Amy: truth for boom tails:do you feel like the punching bag out of everyone from here

Boom Tails: Almost punching bag to Sticks when a certain somebody gave her some false information.

Boom Knuckles: dare for sticks:"hey sticks I found boom tails butt grabbing you"-amy (boom)

Sticks gasped and slapped Boom Tails on the face.

Boom Tails: That wasn't me, Sticks!

Sticks: Don't care, pervert!

Perci: dare for boom amy: hit boom knuckles with your hammer

Boom Amy hits Boom Knuckles on the head with her hammer.

Zooey: dare for boom knuckles:keep kicking boom Amy's ass till she stars around her head

Boom Knuckles kicks Boom Amy's ass until she sees stars around her head.

Boom Tails: dare for perci:pat boom knuckles

Perci pats Boom Knuckles all over his bruised head.

Boom Sonic: dare for zooey:kiss boom tails (to make him feel better)

Zooey kissed Boom Tails on the lips and Boom Tails started smiling at her.

Me: Got a dare from a fan. Dare for boom tails: "I'll give you a hug boom tails" -status(me) *hugs him*

Supershipstatus hugs Boom Tails and Boom Tails hugs our fan back.

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