Truth Or Dare #48

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Mighty: Truth for Sailorneptuna: Are you secretly a pervert?

Me: Sometimes.

Amy: Truth for Sonic: Have you ever ran with scissors?

Sonic: Nope, my mom would kill me if I do that.

Tikal: Truth for Knuckles: Have you ever wished you got to know who your parents were?

Knuckles: Well yeah, honestly.

Rouge: Truth for Cream: Are you afraid of thunder and lightning storms like Tails?

Cream: Yes, I kinda have a fear of thunder and lightning.

Fiona: Dare for Scourge: Surprise your girlfriend with an expensive locket.

Fiona: Dare for Scourge: Surprise your girlfriend with an expensive locket

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Manic: Dare for Honey: Eat pet cat food out of a pet cat food bowl.

Honey started eating cat food from the cat's bowl as a regular cat.

Scourge: Dare for Boom Tails:Say a Bad Word

Boom Tails: Oh FUCK!

Perci: Truth for Sticks: name one time that you hit Boom Tails so hard, that it concludes blood.

Sticks: There is one time where I was releasing my anger. I accidentally hit him on the nose and it caused him to get a nose.

Blaze: Dare for Boom Sonic:Touch one of Boom Amy's breasts(something tells me it won't go well...)

Boom Sonic poked Boom Amy's left breast and Boom Amy hit Boom Sonic on the face with her hammer.

Boom Tails: Truth for Boom Amy:do you beg for Boom Sonic's forgiveness...?

Boom Amy: Sometimes, but apparently it was Sonic who was doing the begging.

Vector: Dare for Boom Knuckles:do something that will make Perci blush.

Boom Knuckles pulled Perci by the waist onto his lap as he hugged her tight, causing Perci to blush.

Boom Shadow: Truth for Perci:Out of the whole villagers,(who doesn't do good.) Which of the heroes that you actually appreciate/feel bad for the most?(Boom Sonic, Boom Knuckles, etc...

Perci: The one hero that I appreciate the most is Knuckles because he saved me and the others from the fire with his freeze breath and he's very much helpful towards his pals.

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