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Harry ignored the talk about his new look as he took an open seat close to Percy and the other Seventh-Years utterly ignoring his former friends though he once more caught Draco's eyes to see the blonde also acting in surprise, winking at him when he saw Harry looking. It took Dumbles a moment to remember himself as he starts spouting something about to banish the darkness all one had to do was turn on the light. Harry just picked up the silverware before him as he waited for the feast to start. Once the food finally appeared Harry began to load up his plate filling it more than normal, as he was for once not having to wait a few days before his stomach could handle it after being starved at the Dursleys.

"So how was your Summer Harry? I see that your family let you, oh what's it called? Oh yeah dye your hair and give you I think they're called contacts?" Percy asked

"They did not I actually ran away from home," Harry said starting on his meal making the Seventh-Years around him, apart from Percy, look confused having always told he lived like a Prince at home.

"Why would you run away?" one of them asked.

"Well it all started with my Uncles' sister came over and started bad-mouthing my mom and dad leading me to accidentally use some underage magic and inflated her," Harry said making one of the Seventh-Year boys who he was sure was named Thomas Duncan snort into his mashed potatoes.

"What did you Aunt and Uncle do?" Percy asked placing a comforting hand on Harry's back having heard from the twins about how Harry had been living last year.

"I did not give them a chance to do anything as my magic unlocked the cupboard where they had stored my stuff before doing a runner," Harry said as he told Percy and his friends all about ending up in Diagon Alley and having an Inheritance Test. Letting them all know that he had been enchanted but not the full extent or even the fact that Percy's Mother and youngest siblings had been stealing from him. "So how was your Summer Percy? I think I read that your family went to see your older brother in Egypt was that Bill or Charlie?" he asked after he had finished.

"We went to go see Bill, and it was fun at least until we got back," Percy said.

"Oh, how come?" one of the other Seventh-Years asked.

"Well it seems the board decided to suspend my sister for her part in opening the Chamber last year," Percy said as his friends' mouths fell open. "And to be honest Fred, George, my father, as well as my older brothers and I think she got off easy for they could just as easily expelled her for not coming forward. This news came to us when we arrived at Diagon Alley to pick you up," he said looking at Harry. "But when we could not find you Mum got even madder than when Ginny got suspended and Dad was worried for you. If you do not mind me asking where were you?"

"How did you know I had been in the Alley?" Harry asked thinking there were two ways they could have learned of it Fudge or Dumbles.

"I think Dad got a letter from Fudge asking him to have us take you to King's Cross due to our previous relationship with you and Dad working for the Ministry. And you are avoiding the question," Percy said arching an eyebrow at him making some butterflies seem to flutter in Harry's stomach.

"Well, when I got the Inheritance Test the Goblins got me in contact with one of my Godparents and I stayed with them for the rest of the Summer. They seemed to think it was safer than having me stay with minimal supervision in the Alley." Harry explained making sure not to mention who his Godparents were that he had stayed with.

"As long as you were safe," Percy said reaching over and giving his shoulder a quick squeeze making Harry blush a little.

"There you are Harry we save you a seat. Why are you sitting by Perc?" Ron's voice called out from behind him making Harry clench his hand under the table lest he acted out on his anger at the other boy.

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