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As Harry having done most of his homework in class it did not take him long to finish what he had left, so he headed up to his dorm room to avoid Ron and Hermione who were still doing their own homework. Going to his trunk Harry started to open it up and take out his cloak, but as soon as he touched it a roll of parchment appeared on top of his stuff. Unrolling the parchment Harry saw that both Ron and Hermione had tried to access his trunk making him thankful that Lady Malfoy and Linka had put protections on his stuff. Unlocking a new hidden compartment where he had started to store the Invisibility Cloak. He had been worried that he would be unable to use it since the Potter Ring had rejected him, but during a conversation with Salazar over the summer, he had been informed that the cloak was not from the Potter Family but came from the Peverell Family, and that not only was Potter a branch from the line but so was Slytherin.

Throwing the cloak over his shoulders Harry closed the chest and feeling thankful that the Third-Year male's rooms were at the top of the tower and the only door between him and the Common Room would not be able to be seen as Harry walked back down to the room. Going over to the twins he passed behind Hermione who was for some reason was doing, what he assumed was, Divination homework. His first thought was that she was "helping" Ron with his work but then he noticed that she had signed her own name on the paper's top. Deciding to look into it later, Harry went over to one of the twins and whispered, when Fred was not writing something to cause him to make a mistake, that he would be waiting for them in the classroom.

As he was under the cloak Harry had to wait until a student came in before he could leave the dorms undetected. Thankfully he had only had to wait two minutes before the back of Fat Lady's Portrait swung open letting Neville into the room. As Harry made his way past the other boy he tried to once more think about what he felt about him, for while he was not listed as someone Harry had to be loyal to, he was the only person Harry had really hung out in his own year thanks to Ron and Hermione keeping everyone else away. Just by that fact alone for whatever reason for the forced "friendship," Harry was inclined to not trust him at least for now.

Once he was out of the Gryffindor Dorms Harry did not take off his cloak until he was actually in the classroom before he settled down to wait for Fred, George, and Percy to show up. He was glad that he bought a book along with the results of the test as it was another thirty minutes before the three Weasley siblings to appear. "Sorry it took us so long Harrykins but we already have a mountain of homework thanks to O.W.L.s," Fred said.

"And then we had to convince Percy to step away from his own homework and duties as Head Boy," George added.

"So why did you want to meet us here, Harry," Percy asked with a gentle smile on his face making Harry gulp a little.

"As I told you earlier that during the summer I took an Inheritance Test, but I found out more than just my appearance had been changed. I had been under some spells that forced me to trust various people. I am sorry to say include your mother, and younger sibling," Harry said expecting them to get mad a little maybe deny his accusations as he reached for his results, but was shocked when the three older males just nodded a little as if his news was nothing new to them.

"I know it might seem out of line but do you mind if I look over your results?' Percy asked.

"I was planning to show them to you all anyway in case you did not believe me," Harry said handing the results over to them.

The three older Weasley siblings leaned in close to each other to read through the list as Harry sat somewhat uncomfortably until they finished. He could tell just from their body language that the more they read the angrier the three were becoming. Percy himself felt a moment of both clarity and actual full-blown rage at what had been done to Harry. "What is a Horcrux?" Fred asked after a bit causing all three to look to Percy.

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