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The day after George and Blaise doused the Headmaster's lemon drops during their "detention" they let the others of their group know about the prank, and since Dumbles was asleep coupled with the time release of the potion it would not come into effect no earlier than at lunch. George and Blaise also brought up the idea of meeting up again in the Mirror of Erised room after breakfast to their groups. While Harry, Fred, Draco, and Theo were amenable to the idea Percy could not make it due to having a date scheduled with Penelope where they would use the fact that they were both of age to go to Hogsmead. Harry felt a shot of jealousy at the Ravenclaw girl but he knew Percy would never see him as anything other than his younger brothers' friend.

"Alright first things first," George said as the group had assembled in the room. "You three have proven worthy so I think you need to get some codenames like the rest of us."

"And what would those happen to be?" Draco asked bracing himself as if fearing the worst.

"Well Fred is Chaos, I am Random, Percy is Balance and Harry is Fangs," George said showing that once again when they were with people they really trusted they would not alternate the speech patterns as twins.

"So what do you have in mind for us than " Random?" Theo asked rolling his eyes a little.

"Well, let's see we want names that fit with your characters but can be misinterpreted by others. So I was thinking for Draco we go with Hairspray, Blaise can be Muscles, and Theo as Bookwyrm that is W Y R M, not W O R M," George said.

Surprisingly it was not Draco that raised an issue with his codename but Theo. "No absolutely not," Theo said crossing his arms and glaring at the redhead.

"And may I ask why not?" George said having thought the name was rather clever.

"A Wyrn is a water dragon," Theo said as if his issue was easy to see. "Water and books do not go well together. So if you want to go with my love of reading go with a Literary Drak or LD." George looks mystified at the explanation while Harry could not help but start to laugh.

"Alright, Theo is Literary Drak or LD than anyone else have any issues with their code name?" Fred asked for his still mystified twin.

"Fine by me," Blaise said with a smile flexing an arm.

"Sure whatever," Draco said.

"That settles it then we are really allies," George said holding his hand out to shake the Slytherins students' hands.

"I have a question for you," Harry said turning to the twins.

"Shoot," Fred said arching an eyebrow at him.

"How does Ronald know Peter Pettigrew?" Harry asked.

"Why would he know Peter, the man's dead Harry," Draco said.

"That was one of the creators of the map, and friend with your Dad right?" Fred asked at the same time

"I don't think Peter is dead," Harry said before he shared with everyone about finding the Heir Room and another version of the map in which he saw Ron trying to get into his room alongside the man.

"Let us check that out," George said as he pulled the map from where it had been secreted within his robes. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." At the code phrase, the map began to fill out. Once it was fully rendered Fred and George activated the search function to find their younger brother. Just like Harry had seen on the map in the Heir Room the twins saw that Ron's marker was a little larger than the others on the map. Fred reached down and tapped the map with his finger causing it to zoom in on Ron's name showing that once again the redhead was not alone but was with Peter Pettigrew.

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