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Ignoring the looks most of the class was giving him Harry took the seat behind Theodore both for him being the only Slytherin, beside Draco, who had not reacted to him coming over and the hopes that his larger size would hide him from Hermione if she ended up taking the class. As Harry waited for the Professor to come along to start the class he pulled out one of the three-course books and began to peruse it one-handedly while bringing out a notebook and some quills. When the Professor, who introduced herself as Septima Vector, came in she called the class to order right away informing everyone of them that as her class was more intellectually bent than most at the school they usually would not require their wands. Professor Vector then explained how she would be grading their homework, most of which she assured them would be projects they could do by themselves or in a group of no more than groups of five.

She was just handing out her class syllabus which showed what topics they would be covering for the month when the door opened and Hermione walked in. Most of the students arched their eyebrows at her while Professor Vector told her off for being tardy, however, Hermione did not even seem to take offense at being told off as she saw Harry in the room. After being told to take a seat the bushy-haired Witch started towards Harry only to take in who he was sitting next to and angle towards the area by the Ravenclaws. As Professor Vector finished with her introduction she gave them all a simple worksheet to do where they had to use Arithmancy, with help from the first chapter of their books, to set up a ritual circle permitting them to work in groups if they wished.

As everyone got started Hermione got out of her seat and came over, "Why don't you join me Harry after all we are the only two Gryffindors here, plus you will need my help to pass the class."

"Yeaaaaaah, I am gonna have to have a hard pass at that Hermione," Harry said.

"What why?" she asked seeming startled by his refusal, as were Blaise, and Millicent.

Harry really wanted to bring up what he found out over the Summer but knew it would put Dumbles and the other bastards in his life on the edge, so he said "I know we spend a lot of time together but I think I need to make some friends in the other Houses. You know for when we leave Hogwarts."

"But that is still years away," she said as if he was an idiot.

"True but as the old saying goes it is never too early to start," Harry said as he turned away and tapped Theodore on his shoulder.

"Um yes?" Theodore asked turning around.

"Do you want to work together on this?" Harry asked knowing it would really irk the Witch off as Theodore and she was always ranked in the top spots of their year.

"You want to work with me? Why?" Theodore said arching an eyebrow as if expecting some sort of prank from Harry.

"No reason just thought it would go faster," Harry said with a nod of his head showing that most of the other students in the class were working in groups as well.

"Very well, but if you hold me back I will end it," Theodore said.

"I would have it no other way," Harry said before looking up at his former friend "is there something you need Hermione if not let us work." The bushy-haired Witch grunted annoyance as she headed back to her seat to start on her own form.

Harry actually had a great time working on the measurements of the runic circle with Theodore, who told him to call him Theo. It seems without both the Intelligence Dampening Potions and not caring if he out-performed Hermione, he had no issue with the work. So despite the pair of them starting after all but Hermione they were the first to get their work done. As Professor Vector informed them earlier that if they worked in groups she would cast a charm on any group projects handed in to make sure the members were pulling their share of the work. When they handed it over to them she smiled seeing they had both had done near equal work, though Theo had done a bit more having written everything down so it would be more legible, and gave them a passing grade for the day. As there was still a few minutes before the class got over with Harry asked about the book Theo had been reading before class, since it had not looked like a coursebook. Theo had blushed as he pulled out a well-read copy of Star Wars Heir of the Empire. To say Harry was shocked would be putting it mildly as he looked at the Muggle book the other was reading. He of course knew about Star Wars but had never had a chance to see any of the movies or read any of the books and comics about it, and Hogwarts was not a place he would have expected to run into it. "Is it a good book?" he asked as Theo put it away.

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