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"Now see here. I must be able to defend myself," Albus said. As the Governors discussed whether they should allow Dumbles to defend his actions with such a clear example of him overstepping his authority, Harry leaned down as if he was about to tie his boot back up. Of all the people in the room, only Theo noticed Harry placing his left hand on the floor as Harry's Family Ring flashed. Theo and Harry both predicted that if they pushed Dumbles far enough he would try to enchant everyone, which even with him losing the Elder Wand he might have succeeded with. Salazar had offered a solution as when Hogwarts had been founded to prevent the discussion from getting out of hand and possible violence the Meeting Chamers, which were now used by the Governors had Wards in place to prevent anyone from using any form of magic on another. No one put it past Dumbles to have found out about the Wards and at some point disabled them, but with Harry being the next Lord of both Slytherin and Gryffindor he should be able to return them. If he could not do it alone he would have to reveal his trump card.

"Very well, Albus please enlighten us, why you placed Heir Potter under these potions and spells," Lucius said who had slipped into his old role as leader of the Governors.

"You have no right to take control of this meeting," Molly sneered at him.

"I hardly you are in a position to talk Molly after all your name is on this list as well so you and Albus will need to convince us that you did the right thing or you will not just be fired but we will make sure you get sent to prison," Mrs. Finnigan said causing Molly to sputter out indignity.

"We are waiting Albus," Lucius said placing his elbows on the table and steepling his fingers as he looked at the old fool.

"All I did and ever do is for the greater good," Albus said with speed out of character for someone so old he pulled out his wand and aimed it at Lucius.

"Ah, you want to turn in your wand in a gesture of good faith,' Lucius said as he plucked the wand from Dumble's unresisting grip as the old fool looked utterly confused.

"Um, yes," Dumbles said after a moment which he took to collect himself. "As I said it was all for the Greater Good."

"How was stealing from a child you always informed everyone you were the Magical Guardian for, as well as placing potions and spells on him to make him loyal and trust you work towards anything good?" Mrs. Macmillian asked.

"He most likely took the money to help care for Harry," Molly interjected.

"Did you?" Severus asked her shutting the woman up.

"While we can only see that you had a hand in possibly two of the numerous spells on Harry they are pretty damming," Lucius said pointing to the two items to which Albus was listed as being connected on the results. The man, being exempt from a spell that made Harry distrust authority figures and one of the people the Loyalty Potions Harry had been under being geared towards.

"Well um," Dumbles said.

"Before this meeting, after I was giver permission to pass on Heir Potter's results I had also learned that you have become stricken with some strange ailment is that correct?" Lucius asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about Lucius," Dumbles said.

"I have received several reports and memories from various sources of you talking to yourself about some very serious things over the last couple of months," Lucius said technically not lying since he had received the old bastard's confessions from all the members of the SG Workgroup.

"I think someone is trying to pull a prank on you Lucius," Dumbles said.

"Is this aliment the reason you talked about killing your little sister a few months ago?" Minerva asked recalling the rather random lunch conversation she had had with Albus.

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