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With a nod and smile at his Co-Heads of House Harry leaves the room to find not only the twins but Percy as well. Without a word he let the trio of redheads lead him away from the Common Room in case Ronald or Hermione came out of it and started to look for Harry. The twins took the lead making their way through corridors seemingly at random until to Harry's surprise they stopped in the empty classroom that had once held the Mirror of Erised during his First-Year. "Well, Harry you ready to find out our plan to help you get the sword back?" Fred asked with a smirk on his face.

"Does it involve calling for the sword itself?" Harry asked thinking of the suggestion that had been brought up when he had spent the night in the Slytherin dorms.

"No it involves this," George said as he pulls out what looks like an old bit of parchment.

"But if you want to try that calling thing go ahead," Fred said with a smile as George spread the rip and stained parchment onto the one desk in the room.

"I would if I could, but the only time I had succeeded in doing it I had done it without thinking of it while facing the Basilisk," Harry said crossing his arms and pouting a little. He was annoyed that he had not found any sources either at Hogwarts or Malfoy Manor which had explained how to summon a family treasure outside the use of a Blood Bound Ownership* form from Gringotts, but that would require him to turn to the Goblins for help. Something which he did not want to take a chance with, in case it worked against him in getting the Potter family ring.

"Well you may scoff but this thing has been more helpful than all the teachers combined," George said tapping the map with his wand.

"I find that rather hard to believe," Percy said arching an eyebrow at the blank page.

"Well then you should know I Solemnly Swear I am Up to No Good," George said breaking the twins' normal alternating speaking method as he talked again before Fred. Harry was about to ask about the change in the norm only to get distracted as from the point of George's wand lines of ink began to appear on the parchment. He was not the only one surprised as Percy goggled at the filling-in item as well.

"It's a map," Percy said after a bit.

"Not only that is is magical and shows where everyone is at as well as the passwords to every secret passage," Fred said as dots appeared on the map labeled as inhabitants of the castle.

Percy instantly snatched the map from the desk and took out his own wand before casting several spells on it as the twins watched with bemused expressions. "Did you learn nothing from Ginny's suspension?" Percy asked waving the map at the twins. "Who knows what type of mischief this thing can do?"

"How dumb do you think we are we cast all the spells Dad taught us as soon as we first found out how to access it," George said as Fred nodded in confirmation neither of them making any moves to get the map back from Percy until he was satisfied.

"So far the only thing we have ever seen it do besides creating a map is to come up with some rather good insults," Fred said taking out his own wand and casting a spell on the map making the vanish as words began to form on the page.

Messer Padfoot thinks that Percy Weasley should stick with things he actually knows.

Messer Wormtail suggests Percy look into getting some contacts so he would look less like a red-feathered owl.

Messer Mooney thinks Percy should keep his nose out of the realm of pranks.

"That is cool," Harry said grabbing the map to see if he could get insulted by it. As soon as he took hold of it his ring flashed as the last of the creators of the map words came into being.

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