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He hated his owner, sure she had given him a reason to leave the Magical Menagerie and not be sent back to it. The only reason he had ever been there in the first place was after forcing his way through an Anti-Apporation Ward he had almost drained his Magical Core. Worried about his safety from both the forces of Voldyshorts and Fumblebore he had used what little magic he had left to change into his Animagus form before passing out. Due to his Animagus form as a mix of a Muggle cat and a Kneazle when someone had found him passed out they had brought him to the Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley. He really admired the shopkeeper of the place for taking care of him using her own funds to bring him back to full strength. Unfortunately, she also seemed to have bonded to him as she healed him and when not trying to sell him to a good home she brought him home with her at the end of the night not giving him a chance to return to his normal form.

He had thought that once someone "bought" him he would finally have more freedom and would be able to get away so he could become human again and find out if his task had been finished successfully. It seemed, however, that he came on too strong and scared everyone away. That was until just under a month ago when resting on the top shelf of the Menagerie he had seen a pair of customers come in to have the shopkeeper look after a pet rat. As soon as he saw the rat he not only recognized a fellow Animagus but what was more he actually knew who the rat really was. Knowing that the man had been a supporter of Voldyshorts he could not help himself as he pounced on the rat. The shopkeeper pulled him away as the boy who Peter was pretending to be the pet of left. He breathed a heavy sigh figuring that the shopkeeper was going to put him in his "basket" leading to another day where he could not try to get someone to "purchase" him, but to his surprise the girl who had come in with the boy who was looking after Peter. The girl actually decided to purchase him, and based on her clothes she was a Muggleborn which would make it all that much easier for him to get away.

Things did not go as planned for the shopkeeper through in his "basket" when the girl "bought" him. The girl it seems was staying overnight at the Leaky Cauldron before heading to Hogwart the next day. The girl, who he learned was called Hermione, evidently had never had a pet before for she went to sleep she locked him in the basket. It was bad enough he had to be trapped in the basket overnight without having access to a bathroom, but the fact that the next time he was let out was on the actual train to Hogwarts. He wanted to curse and rage for he recalled special Wards had been added to the school to register an Animagus changing within the castle after Peter had graduated from the school, why they were added then and not before he had never been able to figure out. Hermione and the boy Peter was acting as the pet towards, who as it turned out was the youngest Weasley boy were both complaining about Harry being nowhere to be found and had not come to their compartment. Hermione's main complaint was that the missing boy was being very rude and disrespectful, while Ron seemed to rage against the Slytherins which had been his old House so had to prevent himself from growling at the boy. Rather than revealing he was more than a Kneazle to the pair of young Magicals he started to watch Ron's pocket detecting Peter's scent coming from it and ignoring the pair's conversation.

He was happy to find out where the Gryffindors had their Common Room and actually being inside it something no one in the seven years he was a student had managed to do from Slytherin House. An hour later, after the Welcoming Feast, the current Gryffindor students started to show up at the tower, One of the first was to arrive really caught his attention for the boy looked like James Potter, though with Lily Evens's hair color. He was so shocked as he watched the boy head up to his rooms for a bit before coming down and starting to read in one of the armchairs. Knowing this had to be Harry Potter based on what he had heard from Sirius about his Godson he hopped on the boy's legs and curled up. Harry had smiled down at him before scratching his chin and returning to his book. Unfortunately, Hermione showed up and began to get on Harry's case leading Harry to gently lift him off his lap before getting away from Hermione. As several Gryffindor students prevented Hermione from reaching Harry, he was able to see a dark look flash across the girl's face as she went to sit next to Ron and have mutter conversation with him as they ignored what appeared to be the Headboy and older brother of Ron. He wondered why Professor McGonagall was not giving the messages rather than leave it to the Headboy.

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