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"You little," Albus said as he lunged at Harry his hands outstretched as if he wanted to wrap his hands around Harry's throat and choke him. His action caught everyone surprised and with the Wards, in place, no one could cast any spells to stop him. With most Magicals, this would be a problem but with Harry's history, he was easily able to evade the charge and do something he had always wanted to do to his fat cousin punched out at his attacker. Just as McGonagall had wanted to do earlier Harry's fist smashed right into Dumble's crooked nose making him move back in pain. "You struck me," the man said in utter bewilderment.

"Don't act so surprised you were going to choke me. I have a right to defend myself," Harry said wiggling his hand a little not used to punching anyone.

"You Brat!" Dumbles called as he made another attempt only for it to be a feint. His plan might have worked if not for everyone getting over their shock at his earlier actions and his arms being grabbed by Lucius and Theo. "Let me go I will see you all out of here."

"You first," Harry said.

"Not so fast," Snape's voice rang out making several people turn to see Molly and Ronald trying to make their way to the exit as everyone was distracted. "Harry, Silva do I have your permission to use magic in this room?"

"Um, sure," Silva said not sure why he was asking as she was unaware that Harry had put the Anti-Magic Wards in place earlier.

"Yes,' Harry said holding up his ring to adjust the repaired Wards to allow Snape alone to cast magic at the moment.

"My thanks," Snape said giving them both a bow before pulling out his wand and creating ropes to wrap around Molly, Ronald, and Dumbles holding them in place as someone went to summon someone from the Ministry.

Before they arrived, however, someone else showed up. "So what's going on?" Remus asked walking into the room.

"Remus?" McGonagall asked in shock seeing him enter the room.

"Hello Minny," Remus said.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I got two messages to come here. One from my second Cousin before she went to deal with some other business and another from my Ring," Remus explained holding up his hand to show off his ring. With a flash, the Spector of Rowena Ravenclaw came into being standing at his side as Godric and Salazar stood at Harry's. Sending a look down at her ring Silvia lifted it and summoned Helga into the room as well.

"Well, this is quite an unexpected reunion," Salazar said as he took in the other forms of the Founders.

"What is going on?" Flitwick asked.

"With the ousting of this man from his position as Headmaster and with all four Heirs and Lords of our line at the castle it is up to you to decide who should take his place," Rowena explained to the current Head of Her House.

"None of them are worthy to shine my boots let alone take my spot," Dumbles called out still struggling to free himself from the ropes wrapped around him. Snape just rolled his eyes and shot a Silencing spell at not only him but Molly and Ronald as well.

"Do we get a choice in all this though?" Flitwick asked. "For if it all the same to you I would rather remain where I am."

"Me too," echoed the other Heads of Houses.

"If that is your wish," Rowena said as a list of all the teachers currently working at Hogwarts appeared with lines through the four Heads of House as possible candidates to become the next Headmaster/mistress.

"Is there a way for us to remove the enchantments placed on someone in the castle?" Harry asked the spirits of the Founders.

"Who do you have in mind?" Helga asked while Salazar and Godric shared a smile being able to detect Harry's surface thoughts and plan.

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