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Excerpt from the book: A Muggleborn's Guide to Magical World by Doctor C. Baker Sixth Edition.

Family Rings

Family Rings sometimes referred to as Lordship, Ladyship Rings are magical artifacts that show a Magicals person high rank in a family. Family Rings are normally worn by the Head of the Family while a lesser ring, referred to as Heir Rings, will be worn by their chosen successor. The one chosen to wear Heir Ring does not necessarily have to be the oldest child or even a child of the Head of the Family. This can be down to the wishes of the Head of House Hold or if the Family Ring itself finds the proposed Heir lacking in the qualities the Family had set aside to indicate a member should lead it. A recent example of this is the Lovegood Family Ring where Casopeia Lovegood chooses her eldest daughter to take over in this Matrical line. When Helena Lovegood put on the ring when she was declared the Lovegood Heir the Family Ring found her lacking and denied her placement. Casopeai tried her other daughters as well but only her youngest, Pandora Lovegood was found to be accepted by the Lovegood Family Ring making her the default Heir.

The origin of Family Rings has been lost to time with old and powerful families the world over claiming to be the first ones to put such items into use. What we do know is that the ring just like a family's Grimoire (see page 45) are items that the family protects above all others. But while a Grimoire holds a record of all Spells, Potions, and Rituals that a family has created since its formation the Family Rings holds records of all the Magicals who wore the ring. If a Head of House ever finds themselves in need of guidance in matters of the family all they need to do is call upon the experiences of those who wore the ring before them. This special brand of magic is often used extensively if a Head of House dies when the family Heir is very young or if some accident causes most of the line to die out. If a Head of House holds multiple Family Lines and Rings any Ring can be used to bring them forth. This is most useful if one is the Heir of a family with a parent who holds multiple lines but due to some accident loses one of the Line's Family Ring. Calling for advice from one who had previously held both rings to ask where the missing ring can be found.

Due to the potential crime of Line Theft, all Family Rings hold protections against most forms of Mind Manipulation Magic as well as giving a sign, usually through the heating of the ring, when in the presence of similar potions or lethal poisons. These are in place so a random person can not take control of the House by enchanting the holder of the Family Ring. There have been some issues when due to a tragedy created by an outside force or other Magical only one member of the family is left alive. If the survivor was not the family Heir or had received any Family Ring yet they could end up getting dosed or enchanted in someone's plans to take over the Family Line. It is due to this that all who try to take control of a Family Ring are tested by those who came before them. If the former Head of the Family finds the person willingly let themselves be put under another's control the Family Ring may pass on to another or let the Family Line die out. If on the rare occasion that the former Heads of the Family find that a person either lacks knowledge or already has enchantments placed on them they may set tasks for the Magical to perform to prove their worth to lead the Family.

When a Head of a House gets married a third type of Family Ring shall be formed. This ring is referred to as the Consort Ring and signifies the wearer as the Mate of the Head of the House. While one may wear a Consort Ring they are still to be called the Lord and Lady of the House. If the Head of House dies with no Heir the Consort Ring shall become what is known as the Ring of Steward. While wearing this Ring the Magical shall lead the House until the Heir is of age to take over the House themselves. When two Heads of House marry each will receive a Consort Ring to the other's House. Unlike a union that only contains one Head of House if one of the unions should die the survivor is not considered a Steward but the Lines are combined into one, It is common practice that in such an event that the Head of the new combined Houses chooses Heirs to lead the multiple lines so they families may be separated once more.

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