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To Harry's surprise rather than ask any question right away, the three moved away from their beds as Draco pulled out his wand and gave it a small wave. All three mattresses floated away from their frames as space was made in the center of the room. As the mattresses came to rest in the newly cleared space Draco and the others started to arrange the blankets and pillows on them creating four spots for each of them. Only after the combined bed was finished did Draco ask, "So what do we owe you staying over tonight, Harry?"

"Well I just told my tale to the Twins and Percy," Harry said missing a look shared between the three Slytherins as they noticed a slight blush creep onto Harry's face when he mentioned Percy.

"And?" Theo asked sitting on one edge of the combined bed*.

"Well they said they would contact their father for me, but Percy thought it would be a good idea if I did not sleep in the same room as Ronald tonight," Harry said.

"So why not sleep in the other dorm room?" Blaise asked taking the corner parallel to Theo.

"The girls? I don't think that would be allowed at all, plus that would just put me in with Hermione," Harry said shaking his head at the other.

"No I mean the other male Third-Year dorm," Blaise clarified.

"We don't have one," Harry stated.

"They have all five of you in one room that has to be tight," Draco said taking the next corner, wincing a little thanks to his cast, leaving the last one for Harry.

"It is even without the room's heater in the middle," Harry said sitting down at the last corner.

"Ouch," the three Slytherins said at the same time.

"So you not spending the night there is going to be noticed," Draco said wisely.

"Oh that reminds me," Harry said before calling for Linka to collect his trunk so he would have his stuff. "Percy said he would talk to Professor McGonagall about getting me my own room since I am Lord of one of the Founders he thinks it should be easy for me."

"If that does not work you could always request a re-sort," Theo said as with a flick of his wand summoned a pile of books that he read from before going to sleep.

"A re-sort?" Harry asked confused.

"It is an old practice where a student who no longer feels like they belong in their House ask for a transfer. According to the school charter, one can only ask for a re-sort in their Third-Year, but after the re-sort, a student can not request another one so it is considered a last resort as it were," Draco said with a small laugh at his own joke as the other three just rolled their eyes.

Rather than comment on the blonde's attempt at humor Harry, Theo, and Blaise started to get ready for bed. Harry was further shocked as the Slytherins allowed him to use an Ensuite bathroom to change so he would not have to do it in front of them since they were basically strangers to one another. Harry nod at them in thanks as he grabbed his sleep clothing, thankful that during the summer Narcissa had taken him shopping for some actual pajamas rather than being stuck with Dudley's old clothing. As he changed Harry wished that Gryffindor had a similar setup rather than having to use the bathrooms on the landings between the Gryffindor dorm room floors. Once he was done and went back into the main room he saw that the corner of the mattresses which he had sat on a color change charm had been cast to make the dark forest green sheets take on the deep ruby that the bedspread he was used to. Slipping under the covers Harry also found a book resting on his borrowed pillow. Just by looking at he knew it had to be from Theo for it was the novel version of Star Wars: A New Hope. "I am just letting you borrow it got it," Theo said with a smile as Harry nodded his understanding.

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