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As soon as the Potter Ring merged with the other Harry found himself back in what he thought of as Ring Space, but unlike his previous "visits" there he was meeting more than one person. He found himself sitting at a small circular table with each of the family members he had met during his first attempt to wear their Ring joining him. "Congratulations Harry," James Potter said beaming at him as he reached over and grabbed Harry by his shoulder.

"Yes well done my lad," Godric added nodding.

"Good job of it my boy," Ignotus Peverell said.

"I for one never had any doubts," Salazar said.

"I guess thank you, though to be honest, you all suck," Harry said looking at his dad, Godric, and Ignotus. "Okay, I get you wanted to make sure I was fit to lead the families but you gave me work to do it without any offer of aid. I have heard some of the older Slytherins I have become allies with suggesting I transfer all your holdings, and vault contents over to the Slytherin family and let your lines die out." For their credit, the three flinched a little but could not really deny his annoyance at the task they had assigned him.

Surprisingly it was Salazar who spoke up, "That would be a mistake Harry, and not just for the loss of power for your line in losing such influential seats in the current governing body of Brittian. I will point out that they had no choice even if your father had lived until this last summer right before you took up your Family Rings. If you were enchanted you would still have to undergo the Ring's trials, though most likely not have been told to leave the Goblins out of it to get your money back."

"Speaking of which how did I earn the Potter Ring already?" Harry asked looking away from Salazar to his dad.

"It was your Godparents Sirius and Narcissa as soon as Regulus got Sirius Cleansed he dragged Narcissa to see Bonecrusher and had them get all your money back with interest. As you had not asked him to do so the originator of the Potter Line agreed it was enough of a loophole to let you have access to the Family Ring. Salazar is right none of us wanted to test you but it is an issue in all Family Rings the world over when a chosen Heir or Head is found wanting," James said.

"May I ask, my lad what are your plans now?" Godric asked making Salazar let out a small chuckle having never heard his old friend sounding so demure.

"I guess one of the first things is to unblock my parents' Wills," Harry said making James smile at him. "After that, I think I am going to continue with part of the task you all gave me as I make allies and get revenge on those that betrayed me."

"Bravo," Salazar said clapping Harry on the back.

"Good show," Godric said.

"Your mother and my Will will give you some more ammunition against Albus," James stated. Ignotus just nodded his head.

Having said his piece Harry thought the meeting was over, more so as Salazar, Godric, and Ingotus left the table. Yet James stays making the space shift from showing the small table to Harry and James sitting in some recliners before a fire. "I am rather proud of you son you handled yourself very well," James said still smiling.

"Thanks, Dad," Harry said a little confused. "Why are we still in Ring Space?"

"Well first of all, so I could tell you that even though I have only been able to talk to you know thanks to the Family Rings I have always watched out for you. I tried to help out as you grew up with Lily's horrid sister and her family, though I had not been able to do much. At most I was able to reduce the power behind some of the blows they threw at you and one time I was able to affect Tuna Fish's mind when you used Wild Magic to shrink that horrible sweater she tried to force you to wear. I did lend you some of my Magic as you grew up bolstering your own and activating your Magic sooner than a Magical child normally does," James explained.

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