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"Quite squirming so I can work," Draco ordered as he helped Harry into his outfit.

"Funny I don't recall you being able to stay still before it was your turn," Harry teased his friend.

"True but I was in a normal robe, how you talked Theo into this I can not even begin to guess," Draco said.

"Who said it was my idea?" Harry shot back.

"Oh yeah, I can see that happening," Draco said as he put the last stitches into Harry's dark brown robes and put the sash on with Harry's wand in the special holder for the ceremony.

"He did, right after we asked each other after graduation," Harry informed his best friend.

"Yes, but why this theme rather than Sherlock Holmes?" Draco asked.

"It might have to do with what I shared with him of who I had seen everyone portray before he showed me the movie," Harry admitted.

"So it is thanks to you I am wearing this?" Draco asked in mock outrage gesturing down at his pure white gown.

"Hey at least we did not have you copy the hair," Harry said.

"I would have killed you, your wedding day be damaged if you had tried," Draco shot back though with a teasing twinkle in his eye.

Harry could not help but smile as he looked at Draco and him in the room's mirror. Except for the wand holder, Harry's outfit could pass as a normal work robe in the Magical World it was only when one looked closer at a patch above the heart that one would see a special symbol. Draco on the other hand looked like Harry's old vision of the blonde as Princess Leia that came to his head every time he read a Star Wars book. Well, a Leia that was male had blonde hair and a short beard that is. As Harry gazed into the mirror he could not help but think how glad it was that everything had led up to this. Who would have thought that asking Theo just to annoy Granger would have such an impact on his life. His memory shifted to the first Slytherin Samhain party and his first chasten kiss on Theo's cheek and the real start of their relationship when they had finally really admitted they liked each other as more than friends. This was soon followed by the memory of Theo standing up for him against Granger as well as Ronald's attack.

With Granger and the two youngest "Weasleys", no longer at Hogwarts. Harry and Theo fully moved into the open in their relationship. Walking through the halls arm and arm and even going on several dates over the years to Hogsmead village. They were not the only ones as Fred and George, who had not hidden their relationships with Draco and Blaise respectively, no longer had to tone down their PDA with Ronald and Ginny no longer coming back to Hogwarts. It was thanks to the twins dating the two Slytherins that the pair had not tried to enter the Triwizard Tournament in Harry's Fourth Year leading to their group splitting their focus in cheering for Cedric Diggory and the famous Quiidtch Player Viktor Krum. It had shocked all of them, however, when the Beauxbaton's Champion Fleur Delacour had come out on top.

The Tournament had been fun to watch but the thing that Harry really remembered of that year had been the Yule Ball. Having the Goblet put out on Samhain there had been o Slytherin Party that year so everyone had gone all out for the Yule Ball. Harry recalled dancing with Theo at the Ball, his boyfriend wearing a pure white robe reminiscent of the Grand Admiral's uniform from the year before. Harry had chosen his favorite color for his robes, even if he did not feel that he had the proper skin tone to pull off a bright sun-shine yellow. Harry and Theo had ignored the slight teasing from their sort of mismatched robes having too much fun dancing with each other and wolf-whistling at Romulus who had been asked to the dance by Krum himself.

The only downside of Harry's Fourth Year was that somehow Dumbles had pulled some strings and got himself an interview with a reporter. Rita Skeeter had written about Dumbles ranting on how the Dark Lord was coming back soon and something about a prophecy where only one person could defeat him. The asshole had stated in the article that Harry was the prophecies one to stop the Dark Lord, leading to a storm of owls being sent to Harry about the whole thing. After the Second Task in the tournament, it blew up even more when a Ministry Worker, who was later to be found as one of Dumbles' supporters did admit that such a prophecy existed. With all the press on the prophecy, Cornelius Fudge sent for Harry to come to collect it. Harry had been forced to go to get the small orb, accompanied by Sirius and Narcissa since only people the prophecy was about could touch the damn thing.

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