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While Harry and his friends waited on the Chatter Box they had placed in Dumbles path and the chance to slip the Truth Potion mixture to Filch, Professors McGonagall and Babbling were planning what to do about it Sirius. Since they both knew the man was innocent they could not think of why he was heading to Hogwarts. They had decided that maybe he was trying to reach Harry to prove his innocence somehow. Also, since they had separated the dorm rooms, they had gotten rid of the nameplates meaning Sirius if he managed to get into Gyrffindor Tower could end up in any room. "Maybe we should prevent him from entering the tower at all," Batty suggested.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Minerva asked.

"Well on the off chance he manages to make it into the castle he would most likely try to do it when the path to the tower was clear. So why don't we leave a message for him with Gladys?" Batty asked.

"That could work. I really don't trust Albus's protections to prevent him from entering the castle nor the Dementors not going overboard," Minerva stated. "Gladys could at least pass on a message to meet us at a certain location to find out what he really wants."

"I would suggest your office Minnie, after all, he would recall you from his time as a student as being the only Head of House," Batty said.

"Why my office and not some random classroom?" Minerva asked.

"If we plan a classroom we would a) have to pick one of the numerous unused rooms, b) have to Ward it which might attract someone's attention, and finally c) we can never be sure which rooms students don't use themselves. While if we use your office it would not seem strange for you to Ward it. Plus as we have no idea when Sirius will show up so would not know when to check the classroom," Batty explained.

"While if he went to my office he would either find me already there or I would find him soon enough," Minerva finished seeing the logic of the plan.

"Precisely," Batty said with a smile.

As most at the castle still believed Sirius was one of He-Who-Should-Be-Nameless Minerva and Batty waited until after curfew as well as a time when there were not Preferts or other teachers whose patrol routes were nowhere near Gladys's portrait. "Isn't it a little late for a House meeting, or is this a surprise inspection?" Gladys aka the Fat Lady asked,

"Actually we came to see you so you could pass on a message to Sirius Black if he ever showed up," Minerva said.

"Ah, so you want me to raise an alarm and summoned someone to come take him in?" Gladys asked.

"Actually no," Minerva said. She then used something she learned from the other Head of House as she said, "By order of the Head of Gryffindor House I hereby override the entrance to Gyrffindor Tower." At her words, Gladys appeared to go into a trance.

"How may I work to protect the students of Gryffindor House?" Gladys asked in a monotone voice.

"If Sirius Black shows up you are to give him the following message," Minerva said.

"Speak the message to be recorded," Glady said in the same monotone voice.

"Sirius I have learned you are innocent, but going after Harry will not solve anything. Please go to my office and wait for me there. If I can I will help you but only if you come to see me. From Minerva "Minnie" McGonagall. Please repeated the message back," Minerva ordered. She then watched as Gladys opened her mouth but rather than either her normal voice or the monotone voice she had been using Minerva's own voice came out to deliver the message she had left, all without Gladys actually moving her mouth. "That will do Gladys you are to forget this conversation or any meeting with Sirius Black," Minerva ordered.

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