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Harry had pulled Theo almost halfway to class before the taller Slytherin boy brought him to a stop. "You do realize we have a free period at the moment and no class to get to until nine right?" Theo asked.

Blushing Harry turned to his boyfriend, "Sorry, it is just I can't believe Ronald did that. If not for my Ring we both could have died or been seriously maimed," Harry said.

"You know what you need?" Theo asked.

"To go back to the Great Hall and knock Ronald's block off?" Harry asked making Theo laugh a little.

"Good idea but no," Theo said pulling Harry into a tight hug, "a chance to relax. Would I be correct in assuming that you don't have any homework that you need to finish up?"

"Elementary my, Dear Holmes," Harry said with a small smile as he leaned into the hug laying his head on Theo's shoulder like he had done the day before.

"Quite," Theo said giving a little indulgent smirk. "How about the Star Wars or Sherlock Homes Books have you got that far into them yet?"

"I read A Study in Scarlet and finished A New Hope other than that no," Harry said lifting his head off Theo's shoulder and giving the other a somewhat confused look.

"Then I have the perfect plan to help you relax," Theo said as he pulled away and took Harry's hand. "Using my Mage-Site I was able to find a hidden room during our Second Year and discover something remarkable."

Holding Harry's hand Theo lead the Gryffindor student up to a seventh-floor corridor opposite a tapestry showing a man trying to teach a group of Trolls to dance. "You'll like this," Theo said as he walked back and forth three times before a blank bit of wall three times until a door appeared in it.

"What did you just do?" Harry asked.

"If I am not mistaken this door leads to a special room created by the Founders and referred to the House Elves as the Come and Go Room or the Room of Requirement," Theo said opening the door with a small bow to let Harry enter into it.

Harry walked through the door and stopped in place at what looked like a small lakeside shoreline inside the room complete with a large oak tree and a dock. "How?" Harry asked.

"It's part of the special magic of this place it can create most things a person can want, apart from food. I did not expect it was capable of producing live flora or actual water. I was sort of expecting something like a fake television show set piece," Theo said in amazement as he stuck his hand into the water.

"I can't guess at the tree, but if I had to with the water it could be that since Hogwarts has plumbing that can reach the bathrooms and access to the lake," Harry began.

"It can borrow the water from there," Theo said nodding along. "Brilliant hypothesis."

"I have my moments," Harry said rather pleased that he had spotted something Theo might have missed. He did not think the other boy was just humoring him in letting him take credit for something he had always figured out that was more Ronald's style never Theo's.

"More and more since you had gotten free of what had been done to you," Theo said.

"So what is this big plan of yours?" Harry asked.

"Something both simple and easy. We are going to just sit and read," Theo said walking over to the tree and sitting at its roots before patting the spot next to him. "Or more precisely I am going to read to you."

"You just don't want to have to wait for me to catch up to start the final book of the Thrawn Trilogy, do you?" Harry asked with a slight chuckle as he sat down next to Theo leaning into his side.

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