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Harry was still dealing with the fact that Dumbles had turned Mary Poppins into the Madam Pomfrey, who after talking to his new friends in the other House found out that she ignored a student from other Houses for a set of time. In his distraction, Harry sat in an open spot at the Gryffindor table and not by Fred, George, Dean, or Seamus. This allowed Ron and Hermione to sit beside him for the first time in a while as they sank into the seats on either side of him. Hermione began to tell him off for changing his classes without letting her know and saying he should drop them and take up his first choices. Ron for his part spent a lot of his time stuffing his face with any food he could get his hands on, seriously Harry had to cast a Warding charm the twins had taught him to prevent the redhead from taking food from Harry's plate. When Ron was not eating he was complaining if not about how Harry was treating him and Hermione, it was about how he had not been able to find Scabbers at all that day. Just for some peace and quiet from the pair ganging up on him, Harry latched onto some news he had heard from around the Common Room. "So does that mean that Crookshanks finally got him?" Harry asked. Ron's mouth fell open in shock having never even thought of that scenario.

"He better not have," Ron growled looking past Harry to glare at Hermione. "Where was your blasted cat last night or this morning Mione?"

"I don't know out of the room as usual," Hermione said.

"You let that little monster wander around without keeping track of it," Ron shot back his ears going red in anger.

"It is not my fault, Lily Moon prevents me from putting it in its basket every night," Hermione said. Under the table, Harry clenched his fist in anger that Hermione would do that to her pet and made a note to himself to find some way to thank Lily Moon for preventing such animal abuse. It did take all his willpower not to tear into Hermione for doing something tantamount to what the Dursleys had done to him to her cat.

Harry almost smiled to himself as the pair of annoyances spent the rest of the meal bickering with each other about their respective pets. Neville did show up at one point but he just sat in silence eating his meal, though he did say hello to Harry. Still not sure about the other boy Harry responded in a gentle tone finding the quiet boy at least a break from Ron and Hermione's grating voices. There was a sound of shock as for the first time in all student's memory there was a flock of owls burst into the hall when breakfast was not being held. All the owls turned out to be those carrying issues of the Prophet dropping off issues to both students who got the paper but also issues that parents sent to their kids. The conversation at all tables came to a halt as everyone bunched up to see why the paper had been sent.


-Darkness's Return

Never in the memory of anyone short of the late Nicolas Flame, has an Order of Merlin ever been rescinded after it was awarded posthumously, that is until now. Early this morning Madam Amelia Bones received a visitor from Gringotts Banks. While this is not a new event as the Goblin Nation often passes on any forms dealing with possibilities they have noticed to Magicals tampering in the bank. Such meetings had led to several arrests since the Goblin Nation started to be allied with Humans. Madam Amelia Bones was shocked as rather than the normal Goblin who would show up to deliver the notices from the bank. She was greeted by Prince Bonecrusher and Account Manager Spikehammer, for those who do not recognize that Goblin they manage the vaults of the Black Family. Madam Amelia Bones while shocked did not hesitate to ask about their presence. The pair of Goblins informed her they had come to deliver a gift to her from an unnamed source before they pulled out a small cage. From what was told to this writer she was confused at seeing just a common variety rat inside the cage.

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