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Having heard from Blaise about Filch's lewd looks to George made the group decided to see if they could slip him some Truth Potion to the man as well. Fred laughed when Harry brought up making a second Chatter Box for the man. "What is so funny," Harry asked.

"We won't need that. We just need to share with Peeves about him getting the Potion and I think the Poltragist will do the rest," Fred explained making the others laugh as well.

"There is just one problem," Draco said leaning a little into Fred's body.

"And what is that, Hairspray?" Fred asked looking down at the blonde who Molly had always said had come from an evil family.

"Hairspray?!?" Percy asked confused letting the others fill him in on the nicknames given to the three Slytherins while he had been on his date with Penelope Clearwater.

"Well while the old fool has his lemon drops habit that made them an easy target for the potion, what does Filch have?" Draco asked making them all draw a blank.

"Maybe we should actually bring in Peeves now, for if anyone knows about the man other than Mrs. Norris it would be him," Theo pointed out.

"We'll do it," the twins volunteered, "after all, we sort of have a working relationship with him."

"I don't even want to know," Percy said rubbing his brow.

"Might be for the best, Balance," George said.

"We could brew up some more potion, might have to tweak it a little just in case he shares the item we douse with Mrs. Norris," Draco said.

"As well as adding the Babbling Hex during the brewing so that it will last longer unlike what happened to the Windbag," Theo added.

"And what would Percy and I be doing during all this?" Harry asked.

"That is all up to you, Fangs, maybe you should just go into the castle while doing your best to avoid Granger and our delightful little brother," Fred said.

"Yeah and, Balance, should take care of his Headboy duties," Draco said.

"That is a good point I have sort of neglected them lately," Percy said with a slight blush.

"For shame," the twins said "tsking" at him in a playfully teasing way.

"Oh put a sock in it you two," Percy shot back though with a smile on his face making Harry and the three Slytherins chuckle a little at the friendly relationships between the Weasly siblings since Harry and the others were all only children.

As the group broke up to take care of business Harry decided to just explore the castle for a bit, making sure he greeting everyone he came across no matter the year or House they were in. His real purpose was to see if he could find Rowena's room that had been mentioned in the book he had found in the Heir room. As he could search for it on the way to his classes come Monday and he had not found it on the way past the library to the meeting room, he decided to check out areas of the castle he did not travel to that often.

Having heard from Dean and Seamus about the out-of-the-way place the Divinations classroom was he decided to head to that one first since it was in a location he would never have a reason to go to. He was just traveling through a seven-floor corridor on his way to the room as the wall opposite a tapestry of a man getting beat by Trolls in tutus the outline of a door appeared. Making sure no one was around Harry pressed his hand to the spot on the outline where a doorknob would be on a real door. The door swung open at once revealing the same room that he had found in his dorm room. With one small difference. "Hey, Harry, I was wondering when you were going to show up. I was expecting to see you before now," Ernie said getting up from the seat he had been in as the bookcases along the walls started to add red and green books to the yellow-colored books that showed that the boy was Heir to the Hufflepuff Line.

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