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Hermione's POV

Hermione felt like she was losing it with her parents kicking her out of her home over the summer. If it had not been for her vault filled with the money she had earned for keeping tabs on Harry for the Headmaster and making sure he did not do too well in class or find out certain things about the Magical World she would have not been able to get all the course books for her classes. But now Professor McGonagall, who Hermione had always respected, had ordered her to drop some of her classes and return the Time-Turner she had been given. Granted it did help her improve in the classes she stayed with but not by as much as she wanted due to the new study groups that were mandatory in the tower. After she had been forced to drop her classes and give up the Time-Turner Hermione had actually led some of the groups but had been quickly removed from the position due to Percy not liking how she disciplined the idiots who she was helping out. The younger brats even had the gall to say she had been giving them most wrong answers and making them fail their History of Magic Homework. After all, if they did not do their own research was their own damn fault this was for school, not some hippie-dippie love in which everyone was equal one had to fight to claim the top spot in their year so in the future could become a Headgirl or boy.

Having no faith in the study groups Hermione, while having to attend them, did not participate as she continued to do her work. She wished she still had the Time-Turner for the idiots who took part in the groups were starting to inch closer to her in ranking, and in some cases somehow got higher marks than she did. Like Harry for instance something that should have been impossible with the potions the Headmaster had her slip into the idiot's meals. Even Ron was catching up to her in Charms and that was just unacceptable. She thought about using the Intelligence Dampening Potions on him as well but he was already so much an idiot she did not want to make him go brain dead or something.

She also suspected that someone had done something to the cat she had bought with the last of the money she had taken from her parents before they threw her out. Truth be told she did not really care for the thing but she had seen that Harry liked it and since he was for some reason avoiding her it would have given her away back to him if the blasted thing had not gone missing. She suspected Lily Moon but the girl was not talking and had even caused Hermione to receive detention when she tried to force the issue.

Her being barred from going to Hogsmead had been a blow. Hermione had not cared about the likes of Zonkos, Honeydukes, or even the Three Broomsticks for she had heard some students talking about a book store in town that had Muggle and Magical Books that she was dying to get her hands on. She knew the contents of her vault would be enough to get her most books she wanted from the place and since she had not received a notice from the Headmaster that he had stopped paying her would allow her to not worry about the school supplies until she graduated Hogwarts, or forced her parents to take her back.

But then came the letters from the Ministry and Gringotts. She had been furious to read that due to her telling Ron that Pettigrew had been his rat Scabbers she was being charged with leaking privileged information in an ongoing case. The fines she had been hit with had been over three thousand Galleons over twice the amount of money she had in her vault before she had been forced to buy her own school supplies that year. As she ripped open the letter from the bank Hermione planned to get in touch with Professor Dumbledore to see if he would give her a loan to pay for the fine. Her plan vanished in a wave of anger as she saw the notice from the bank informing her that the Ministry had already tried to collect the fine from her vault which had been emptied a few days ago. There was no way the vault should have been emptied unless Potter had stolen her money somehow. This was the straw that broke the camel's back for her she was going to make the idiot pay, not only for treating her like she was trash this whole year but also for taking the money she had rightfully earned. Ron had sometimes joked that her anger would scare You-Know-Who and right now she was going to use it to put Potter back in his proper place, under her thumb while looking to be the one leading the Golden Trio. His school work might be getting better but when it came to casting spells she knew she had him beat already using spells that most would not be taught until Seventh Year at Hogwarts. Going to bed that night her mind decided she was going to do it in front of everyone at breakfast so they could all see how weak and pathetic Potter was.

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