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Harry just marveled at the magic of Hogwarts as he took in the room that should not be where it was unless of course he and everyone missed a room the size of a hotel suite attached to one of the tallest towers of the castle. Inside the room turned out to be a full-on study with empty bookshelves lining the walls. As he stepped into the room the door slide shut behind him Harry looked over his shoulder to see at least on this side the door looked like a real door with a nob and everything. Moving forward to take a look Harry took a step back as a podium appeared out of nowhere in front of him. He had to snort as he read the cover which listed the book as a sign-in book. Flipping open the cover Harry read a list of names in various hands which not only stated who had visited the room but also had which Founder line they were associated with. The pages of the book began to turn on their own until it stopped on a page that only was half filled out. With a start, Harry saw that one of the last people who had signed the book was his own father seeing that just like him James had the same looping strokes on his "a" and "p." Taking up the quill that was laying under the book Harry signed his own name right under the last name that had been signed into the book. As he finished signing the book shut itself as it and the podium it was resting on vanished as the bookshelves began to fill up with volumes with red and green covers.

As he grabbed one of the books at random he found that they appeared to be journals from a past student. As he had grabbed a red-covered book he decided to take down a green one as well and found that just like the Hogwarts Houses the journals were color coded with the red covered being written by the Heirs of Gryffindor while the green was from Slytherin. Wanting to take some time to read them he looked around for a place to sit he suddenly laid eyes on a comfortable-looking chair which he knew had not been there a moment ago. Deciding it was part of the Magic, of what he wanted to call the Heir Room, Harry just walked over to the chair and settled into it. Opening the book he began to read about a Gryffindor Heir that had been sorted into Hufflepuff. He was so lost in the journal and Kieran Potter and her time at school and beyond that, he has unknowingly created a desk so that he could read the book in a better position. Once he became aware of the new item Harry took a moment to study the desk finding it was made of solid redwood and large enough that he could lay out and open all of the Hogwarts' school books he owned and still have room to spare to do his homework on it. Right now, however, there was only one book laying on the desk. Seeing a bookmark next to the book Harry marked the place in Kieran's Journal to take a look at the book. As Harry read the new book he saw that it was about the room, which evidently based on a room created by Rowena Ravenclaw herself, would create almost anything an Heir would need to study for classes. That at least explained the desk and chair appearing when he had wanted them to. The room itself could only be called for from either the Heir's dorm room or from the location where Rowena's Room was located, though the book did not state where the room was. There was also an asterisk leading to a note that specified that the room could only be accessed when one had access to all Founder Heir status that they held, which explained why the room had not appeared to him before today. To stay hidden the room could not be opened if others were in the main dorm room, at least conscious. Though as the book stated the room was to be used for study only and while it could create most things it was prevented from creating a bed for the Heir to use as a secondary dorm.

Reaching the end of the short book Harry was surprised to find an insert like a poster that he had seen come out of game guides Dudley would get. Pulling out the insert Harry opened it up and found a magical map like the twins had in their possessions, but unlike theirs, it showed the Gryffindor's new divided dorm rooms. Harry spent some time watching the map and seeing the dot labeled Ronald Weasley go in and out of the door to the dorms making Harry guess he was trying to get into Harry's room. Each time Ron left his dorm room and tried to gain access a speech bubble would appear over the dot as Ron tried to cast a different spell trying to get inside. Harry could only guess that someone had given the redhead the spells for he recognized none of the spells his former friend was casting thought that means they could be from Hermione, his mother, or Dumbles. Watching Ron move back and forth he noticed that the redhead was not alone as the dot with his name attached to it was larger than the others that Harry could see in the main Gryffindor Common Room.

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