Chapter 4

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Draco begrudgingly opened his heavy eyelids, feeling talons perched on his chest. Not painfully, but enough to wake one from their sleep. He widened his eyes to find two large, yellow orbs inches from his face. He immediately sat upright, knocking the bird from its temporary resting place. The owl looked at him, clearly offended by such a cold greeting, only to rustle its feathers and stick its left foot out. An envelope with the Hogworts crest was tied to its ankle. Anxiety grabbed Draco around the throat, paralyzing him temporarily before he snatched the letter.

Mr. Draco Malfoy

Little Canvas Tent

Taiga Forest, Kolmya, Russia

Draco ripped open the letter, scanning over the words, his mouth opening more and more as he read the message from the Headmistress. He was Head Boy, and would be sharing a dorm with Hermione Jean Granger. He immediately thought it must be a joke, someone must have sent it as a cruel prank. But the people he had previously associated himself with had rejected him after the battle, which he was perfectly content with. He had no friends who would send something like this, and even if he did, they couldn't have found him without mustering some higher level of magic, something that students didn't have access to. No, only a professor at Hogworts could produce the charm required to find him in the middle of the wilderness. His lips started twitching, finally breaking into a wide smile.

He wasn't going to blow this opportunity. Pursuing a romantic relationship was not his goal with Hermione, he was more than content with having her friendship. He felt he should get her something, an olive branch of sorts, considering their past. Ideas of jewelry and lavish accessories flooded his brain, the kind of gifts one would expect a boy to buy for a pretty girl. He shook those ideas from his mind, knowing that a girl like Hermione would need something different. She deserved something unique that catered directly to the amazing person she truly was.

"Draco, honey? Are you ready to go? We should try and go to the Alley early so we can avoid the crowds." Narcissa poked her head around the corner of Draco's section of the tent. Nervous about running into anyone at Diagon Alley, going quickly and discreetly was the best option.


Standing in front of the Leaky Cauldron, Narcissa and Draco dropped their heads and stared at the floor to avoid any eye contact with other witches and wizards. They made their way through tables and bar stools until they found themselves out the back door and standing in front of the brick wall that was the entrance to Diagon Alley. With a few taps with his wand Draco was looking at the Diagon Alley he had always remembered, one filled with bustling shops and kids pressing their noses against windows to look at the newest model of broomstick. Despite the early hour, the Alley was already humming with activity. Draco allowed himself a moment to smile and savor the magic that radiated in the Alley.

Narcissa urged Draco on, both of their heads pointed towards the ground. Draco still swept his eyes to the lavishly decorated shop windows when something caught his eye, something almost worthy of someone as special as Hermione.

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