Chapter 19

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            Draco bounced his knee anxiously under the table. He kept scanning the room, flinching every time the door of the library opened. They had apparated to the Trinity College in Ireland, a place Hermione had always wanted to visit. She had heard the university had an impressive volume of manuscripts of all sorts.

"Draco, your mother is tough, she'll be alright," Hermione rubbed the back of his hand with her own, her eyes soft and nurturing.

"Bellatrix is insane, you know that." He was right, and Hermione had more reason than most to know exactly how far off into the depths the sanity of Draco's aunt fell. She knew that words wouldn't comfort him at this point. She scooted closer to Draco until their arms touched and rested her head on his shoulder, their hands clasped.

They waited for what felt like hours before deciding to leave. The time spent in the library didn't help to quell Draco's anxious nerves. Hermione decided that despite the freezing temperatures, he needed fresh air. They walked around the campus and soon found their way into several quant shops and cafes. They retired inside a small inn, not knowing how long they would have to wait to hear from Narcissa. Draco tried to buy a coffee at the small café in the hotel, but Hermione insisted caffeine would not help his nerves, encouraging him to opt for an herbal blend.

They walked into their room, which was small, cozy, and smelled of tobacco. It was oddly comforting with its thick rugs, hardwood floors, and countless pillows on the bed. Hermione turned around and looked up at Draco before giving him a slow, gentle kiss.

"Lay down on the bed," she began pulling off his jacket. His eyes widened, but he obliged. She slowly unbuttoned his shirt and began unlacing his shoes. She placed his leather oxfords by the foot of the bed before reaching into her bag to grab a glass vial filled with sweet smelling oil.

"Lie on you stomach." She began rubbing the oil into his back in circular motions, causing him to groan as she released the tension in his shoulders. Draco was sure there was some sort of spell for this, but he was extremely grateful to feel Hermione's nimble hands rubbing against his skin. The worried thoughts about his mother didn't leave him, but the nausea and anxiety began to slowly dissipate along with the knots in his muscles. Hermione would occasionally lean her lips down right next to his ear to whisper sweet nothings to him, or to place a kiss gently on his cheek.

Draco was head over heels in love with her. He wondered if she loved him with just as much intensity. Part of him needed to know, but he was already thrilled with just having her as his own. He was reminded that he was finally with the girl he truly loved every time he felt her gold ring pass over his skin.

"Draco, sweetheart, you're so perfect."

"I love you, Hermione." He hadn't meant to say that out loud. His whole body tensed, not knowing what to do. Every second of silence felt like a lifetime.

Hermione's hands stopped moving. Had she misheard him?

"I-I love you too, Draco." She felt him breathe out heavily. She realized he had been holding his breath since he had said those three words. She giggled slightly. Draco sat up with a wide smile etched on his face. He leaned in and kissed her passionately, caressing her and kissing every part of her face.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, Draco Malfoy." Hermione giggled as he left a love bite on the nape of her neck. They paused when they heard the tapping of talons on the window. It had to be at least two in the morning. It wasn't common to get owls so late. Draco got up to open the window, allowing a small screech owl to hop into their room, carrying a letter tied to its ankle.

My dearest son,

Where we fled the night before.

Love, N.

Draco handed the letter to Hermione silently before he began to rush about the room, putting his shirt and shoes back on. They clasped hands and exchanged a sweet kiss before apparating to a place only Draco knew.

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