Chapter 13

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"Should we keep the fact we're together a secret?" Hermione said delicately, not expecting Draco to want to publicize their relationship. She would completely understand if he preferred to keep what they had between the two of them. If his father found out, she could only imagine the grief he would give Draco for dating a Mudblood. Draco put his hands on the sides of Hermione's face, the smell of his cologne still lingering from the night before as it wafted from the pulse in the hollow of his jaw. They laid in front of the fire in the comfort of their dormitory while sipping tea, the warmth of earl gray seeping down her throat as the taste of bergamot coated her tongue.

"Whatever you're comfortable with, sweetheart. I don't care what anyone else thinks; your opinion is the only one that matters to me. Lucias might have a thing or two to say, but he isn't anything we can't handle, especially while we're at Hogworts." He planted a gentle peck on her lips. He found that he only fell deeper and deeper in love with Hermione as he continued to discover her. Brushing his lips against her jawline, he left a trail of kisses along her neck before indulging in a passionate kiss. She softened into his embrace, pulling apart as several loud knocks sounded on the door. Draco grunted as he begrudgingly pulled himself from Hermione's embrace, padding softly to the door.

"Professor McGonagall?" Draco stood in the doorframe, slightly flustered due to the interruption of such an intimate moment.

"Mister Malfoy, where is Miss Granger?" The Headmaster looked concerned and overwhelmed, the crinkles along the corners of her eyes deepening. She walked over the threshold, not waiting to be invited.

"Yes, Professor?" Hermione said as she stuck her head around the corner, trying to hide her disheveled look. Her hair was even less cooperative in the mornings than usual, strands of chestnut and gold falling into her face in a tangled nest. She self-consciously patted her hair down, tucking it behind her ears. She stopped fussing when Draco reached for her hand, the shadow of her kiss still on his lips, and smiled.

"What I am about to tell you must not leave this room- do you understand me? It is of the utmost importance," McGonagall said as she looked skeptically at Draco and Hermione's clasped hands. Hermione took the liberty of casting a Muffliato Charm.

"A select few students have lost their ability to preform magic. Students of different descent, Muggle born, pure blood, and half-blood; it doesn't seem to matter. So far we have six who are affected. We've tried different wands, Madam Pomfrey has examined them, and we're no closer to finding the cause. As Head Boy and Head Girl I require your assistance." Draco and Hermione stood still, eyes wide.

"I need you both to go to Hogsmeade and speak to the only person I can imagine might have any insight. Albus would have known what to do..." McGonagall trailed off and looked to the floor before regaining her composure.

"You may need to stay there for some time. You both are to leave immediately and are excused from your schoolwork for the week. Assuming everything is resolved, you will resume your studies as usual within a few days." McGonagall looked at the two students in front of her, the corners of her mouth dropping as she saw the shock lingering in Draco and Hermione's eyes. She nodded her head before spinning on her heels and walking towards the door.

"Professor, who are we going to talk to in Hogsmeade?" Draco's voice was raw with emotion. Everything, so perfect just moments before, was beginning to crumble before him. He squeezed Hermione's hand, the warmth of her flesh an anchor as a wave of nausea crash into him.

"Aberforth Dumbledore," McGonagall said softly, before letting the door close behind her.

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