Chapter 14

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            Draco and Hermione stood at the front door of their dorm in each other's arms. With one big breath Draco pushed open the door, releasing Hermione's hand. They hadn't had time to decide whether or not they would be public about their relationship, so in the mean time he would let Hermione do what she was comfortable with. Part of him wanted to put his love on full display, while the other wanted to keep her just for himself.

They walked in silence, eyes glazed over. They had never heard of something like this happening. While they tried to think of the ones who had been affected by this, the fear that the same thing could happen to them rested in the back of their minds. Hermione slowly grasped Draco's cool hand. The halls were empty, eliminating the risk of being seen. Right now she just needed the comfort of his touch.

After walking for what seemed like no time at all, minds lost in thought, they stood in front of the Hog's Head. The two shared a loving glance. Worry seemed to replace the silver flecks in Draco's blue eyes. Hermione stood on her toes to give him an encouraging kiss, even though she was just as concerned as him. She was a Gryffindor for a reason, she reminded herself. Taking in a shaky breath, she mustered a false confidence that would have to suffice until she was capable of genuine bravery, and opened the door. The room was practically empty, only for the exception of two men with scraggly beards. Both frightening, the older gentleman having one dark blue eye and the other a milky white, the other having a hollowed out face as if he were ill. Something about his features made Hermione remember the Dementors, causing her to shiver at the thought. A man with a long white beard stood behind the bar, absentmindedly wiping the counter with a filthy rag. Draco cleared his throat to get his attention.

"What do you want?" The man spoke gruffly, not looking up from the spot on the counter he scrubbed.

Hermione was shocked at the blatant lack of customer service, though Draco seemed undaunted by it.

"We need to talk to you, Aberforth. It's important, I promise we won't waste your time." Draco spoke evenly, his face not revealing his anxious nerves. Hermione admired Draco's composure. Dumbledore's brother didn't respond, only glaring at the two before walking towards the back of the room to a decrepit door at risk of falling off its rusty hinges. They followed him into what seemed like an empty broom cupboard, the door slamming shut behind them.

"What is it?" His voice was harsh, yet the familiar twinkle in his eyes revealed he was without doubt Albus's younger brother.

"Six students at Hogworts have completely lost their ability to preform magic. They're of all different descent; it doesn't seem to matter whether they're Muggle born or pure blood. The Headmaster felt that you would possibly have some insight." If Draco was nervous he wasn't revealing anything, his jaw set, his face a mask and detached composure. Aberforth's previous expression changed immediately, his face lined with worry.

"I can't talk about this right now. Stay here for the night; we'll discuss it tomorrow. Whatever is said here mustn't leave the company of us three. Is that understood?" Draco and Hermione shook their heads slowly in agreement. Aberforth made a low grunting noise before leaving the two of them alone in the dark cupboard.

"I'll show you where the bedroom is," Draco's gaze softened as he took her hand. He led them to the same set of stairs they had climbed just the night before. It felt like their first date had been years ago; everything was changing.

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