Chapter 8.

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"Mia! Mia! M-Mia!" I felt someone poking me.

No, I did not wake up.


Woah, that's new.

I opened my eyes seeing Justin's face right in front of mine. I jerked my head back.

"Holy shit Jay, you scared me." I laughed holding my chest. "Hey n-no bad w-ords.." He smiled innocently and pecked my lips.

I can get used to waking up to this...

"I'm going to shower, I'll be out in a minute." I swung my legs over the bed and stood but was turned around.

"Can I s-shower wi-th you?" He asked shyly. I bit my lip and thought a minute.

"I'm sorry Jay. Maybe another time," He frowned but nodded. I pecked his cheek and proceeded to the restroom.

I closed an locked it, stripping out of my clothes, turning on the water.

I stepped in, closing the glass door.

"HOT DAMN!!" I squealed as I slipped from the ice cold fucking water. I heard banging on the door, and cries from Justin.

"Mi-a?! Princess, are y-ou okay?! Open the d-" I cut off his worrying.

"I- the water was just cold!" I yelled back not wanting to tell him I hurt myself.

He would only freak out more.


I pushed the curtain open reaching for my towel, wrapping it around me and exiting the bathroom seeing no sign of Justin.


I closed my bedroom door, and got dressed quickly. I had something- well someone to take care of, if you know what I mean.

I threw my black crop top on, slipping on my skinny jeans and all red vans, then I grabbed my phone off the charger, hurrying into the bathroom.

I brushed through my wet wavy hair, and as soon as it dries it will get curly again.

When I was done, I raced down the stairs.

I slammed open the kitchen door, skipping in.

"Good morning butt-tards!" I bowed, and ended up laughing my at my own stupidity. I went over to Cade and snatched my Nutella away from him leaning down to his ear.

"Don't touch my stuff," I whispered and stole his strawberry dipping it in my Nutella.

Cade huffed going in the pantry looking for something else to eat.

Nothing can replace my Nutella though.

"Sydneyyyyyy," I looked innocently at her.

"Yesssssss," I put my Nutella back in the pantry and gave Cade the eyes that say 'Touch my shit again and I'll bite you'.

I will bite.

"Can you make me a strawberry shake?" She laughed. "Yes I can," she replied.

I sat in one of the island chairs next to Justin and he smiled at me.

"Your shake is done." Sydney poured it in a glass, and I walked to the counter grabbing the glass and hugging her.

"Thank you sissy, I'll be back. See y'all in a few."

"Where the fuck you think your going?" Sydney said putting her hand on her hip giving me a stern look.

I froze in place and slowly turned around looking at her.

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