Chapter 18.

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"Why did it have to be that saggy bitch?!"

You see, Serena was in middle school with Mia, she was the nerd who was bullied and teased about being smart and the way she looked. You know, weird glasses, braces, and that just horrible hair.

One day Mia came home all- you know what, I'm just gonna give you a flashback of that day.

~ Flashback ~

I heard the front door slam shut, and peeked my head out the kitchen seeing my little sister skip in.

She ran upstairs and I moved out of the doorway and continued eating my bag of Takis.

The kitchen door pushed open and I looked over at Mia.

She had this big smile on her face.

I gave her a weird look, "Should I be worried?" I asked, she rolled her eyes  and hopped on the counter and kept smiling.

"I made a new friend today," She kicked her feet.

"New girl?" Justin (Mia calls him Bubba) popped in and took out a can of coke.

"No, I guess I just never noticed her until I almost kicked some stupid bullies ass for 'accidentally' tripping her. I didn't believe it was an accident, if Serena hadn't pulled me off of her I don't know what I would've done."

She jumped off the counter and went to the fridge getting out some grapes (both the purple and green) and put them in a bowl.

"See Fabian has you not being able to control your anger and shit, that's not fucking good. I already talked to him about this shit," Justin said, she raised her eyebrows.

"I can too control my anger!" She slammed the fridge shut making it shake.

"Really?" He gave her an 'I'm not very convinced' look. She looked down and sighed.

"Did you take your medicine this morning?" She rolled her eyes.

"No.." She mumbled, but me and Justin heard.

"MIA!" He scolded her.

"They-They mess with my memory! I don't wanna take it anymore!"

"What do you mean you don't wanna take it? It's not a choice for you! You can't just all of a sudden stop taking it, you will start- well you know what you'll be like once you stop." He paused.

"And that won't be good, please take them." He looked her in the eyes and she stomped her foot and stomped to the kitchen door.

"Come back down here when you take it, I need to make sure you listen to me." She rolled her eyes again making Justin groan and shake his head.

"I wish mom and dad were still here to help us with her and Fabian. Gosh those two are a damn handful," he put his head down as he sat at the island on a stool.

"Yeah, but they're not that bad.." I said sitting next to him. He sat up and ran his hands through his hair.

"Sure bout that?" He raised his head up. "They both pretty much have the same issue or mental illness or whatever it's called," He said. "Fabian is just for his anger, remember that time he completely flipped out on me for no reason and almost fucking killed me with a damn table," He chuckled.

The Great Divide // Justin Bieber Alien Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant