Chapter 33.

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Cause I love this 😻😻


Friday Night: 7 days left till prom

"Punch harder! You hit like a girl!" Holly yelled at me. We were currently in the ring at my brothers gym training.

"I am a girl!" My next punch had more force, causing her to wince in pain and a smirk of victory to make its way on my face.

"Okay...maybe it's time for a little break no?" She gave a weak smile and I just shook my head.

"You realize I don't just have a closet for my championship belts for no reason," she nodded.

"I'm trying hard for this title, it must've felt awesome winning it at the age of Fifteen huh?"

"It was definitely exciting, especially cause that was the first time I ever actually got drunk. Everybody said that they wish they recorded me that night," I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"Ha! Man I wish we were that close then, I totally would've documented our whole night." She laughed, as we went to get some waters.

"Ima go check on the others," she nodded and I began walking towards the back where Sydney, Tea, Carlos, Brooklyn (yes he knew about the plan and was totally down for it), Cade, Anthony, And then Leah and her guy friend.

Everyone was either getting trained by Trey or my brothers or the 2 extra trainers.

"You guys are doing awesome." I smiled, they really did evolve in their skills. I walked around, watching out for a mistake or something I can help with/ add on some of my opinion.

"Woah, no." I watched as Cade was knocked down by Trey for probably the 10th time, maybe even more.

"If he's throwing a punch up here," I demonstrated, aiming for Cade's face. "You need to be aiming here." I pointed to my chest area.

I heard a smack and laughed as Cade rubbed the back of his head. "Next time I see you staring at Mia's boobs, it's me and you kid." Trey warned.

"Do it again Trey, faster this time. He needs to learn,"


"Did you guys go on the website and look at the options of dresses?" Holly asked, We all sat in the living room and you'd be surprised at how all of us were on our phones.

It was pretty crazy.

"I didn't know we could look?! What's the website?" Leah asked, handing Holly her phone to type in the website name.

I got the website from Holly too and ended up finding a few dresses I liked.

I found one in Black, Red, and Maroon.

The maroon was the only one in lace and I don't know why but I'm really feelin these new lace dresses right now.

"Ooh! Let's watch The Gallows!", yelled Anthony.

I groaned, hearing a few whines and complaints also.

"It's kinda scary though!"

"Yeah, that ugly dead nigga Charlie is creepy!" I added.

Shit, what if he comes after me now?!

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