Chapter 29.

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Because my baby is so damn cute and I love him 😻😻❤️❤️


I had my face pushed into the pillow. I was thinking and thinking takes time, especially when it's about something serious and that serious thing I'm thinking about is Mia being late.

I'm just wondering what she's doing, where she's at, and who she's with. So many things were running through my mind it was overwhelming.

I was beginning to get impatient, she did say she was gonna be here for my surprise at 4:00 and it's already 6:00. 2 hours she's been gone and no one knows where she is.

I heard a ding and I flinched, but realizing it was my phone I felt extremely stupid. This whole damn time I could've called her instead of being over here worrying!


I picked it up and saw it was a text message.

I swiped across the screen opening it.

From Princess👑💗: I'm sorry Justin, something crazy happened and when I come to pick you up I'll tell you everything. I apologize baby, ik you probably feel like I stood you up but I didn't. I would never. It was important.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Something crazy happened?

To Princess👑💗: It's okay, I was a little worried about you but now ik you're okay. I love you ❤️

From Princess👑💗: I'm on my way home rn, I love you too 😘❤️

I stopped texting her cause she was driving and I didn't want her to have an accident; texting and driving is extremely dangerous.

Even though she does text people while she's driving, I still try to tell her millions of times that she shouldn't be doing it but she's stubborn and never listens to me.

She will soon enough though, I can't always let her get a free pass out of things.

I clicked the home button and decided to play the game 'Dumb Ways To Die' and let me tell you, there are some really dumb ways to die on that game. Like who would do those things?

Some really dumb people obviously.

Wow sometimes I really don't think things through..


I heard the door get slammed open and shut then voices follow soon after. Keys were dropped on the table and I jumped up.

Knowing it was Mia I ran to where ever she was.

"So he's here? The alien? Your mate?" I heard a groan, it was from Mia and I can already tell she's frustrated.

"Yes Trey, now stop asking questions. The whole way here you've been questioning me," I walked into the kitchen and there she was. Her head lay on the marble counter in the middle of the kitchen and she sat on a bar stool.

"Mia?" Hearing my voice, all of their heads turned. From the attention, my cheeks started burning and I knew I was blushing. I couldn't help it, it's the Bello in me.

The Great Divide // Justin Bieber Alien Where stories live. Discover now