Chapter 17.

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Justin rolled around in the bed, uncomfortable, and accidentally woke up the figure, he didn't know about, lying next to him.

"Justin?" She shook his shoulder.

He fluttered his eyes open and looked up at the unfamiliar girl laying in bed with him.

Actually, everything was unfamiliar to him.

"I- Wh-o are you?" He asked backing away from her, placing himself up against the headboard in an uncomfortable position.

"I'm your mate Justin, you got in a terrible accident and have been in a coma. Today you woke up, and we brought back home. Here, with me." She said but Justin remembered nothing. All this information only frightened him more.

This woman was a complete stranger to him. He didn't know where he was, who's bed he was in, and he didn't even know how he fell asleep in the first place.

He didn't remember getting into a 'terrible accident', he doesn't remember falling into a deep sleep (or a coma), and he doesn't remember anything about having a mate. It was like he was reborn. Just an innocent infant being brought to life in an unknown world.

"M-Mate?" He questioned the girl.

"Yes mate. You're an Alien, both types. A Bycan and a Bello. You don't remember me?" She asked, her face now holding a deep frown.

Justin shook his head slowly, feeling sorry for not remembering his own mate. How could he forget?

"B-But since your my mate, I c-can try too remem-remember us, for you." He said sweetly, wiping at his eyes still a bit tired. The girl smiled and kissed his cheek, instantly causing his cheek to turn a light shade of red.

"Well we'll start off slow, starting tomorrow when you wake. For now, let's sleep; you need enough energy to remember all our good times." She said.

"S-Sorry I don-don't remember your na-name either.." Justin looked down frowning, scolding himself for not remembering his own mates name.

Little did he know she wasn't his 'real mate'..

His real mate is only waking up now but sadly, she didn't remember him either.


"Ugh" Mia groaned, She had a killer head ache and the pain was so bad it woke her.

"Baby?" She jumped, startled and looked at the man laying beside her watching tv in the bed. She looked around the room.

Where am i ? She asked herself.

"You're home, not in that uncomfortable hospital bed where you laid in a coma for months." He mumbled, she looked out the window and saw it was day time.

It definitely feels like I've been asleep for months. She rolled her eyes and stared at the mystery man.

"So, who exactly are you?" She arched her brow still keeping her distance from the man. Who knows what he could be. Who he could be.

"Ah, right. The doctor did say you had amnesia, but since you asked, I'm your boy friend." Her eyes widened.

Boyfriend? Amnesia?

Everything he was explaining to her wasn't exactly a lot of information, but it still confused her.

A lot.

The Great Divide // Justin Bieber Alien Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang