Chapter 27.

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That's Kenneth, you guys may know him as Kenneth San Jose but for the story imagine him a little older. If you don't know who he is, just look up Matt Steffanina on YouTube 👍🏽

Okay, you can read now 😊❤️


Sydney, Brooklyn, and I opened the front door to the house hearing laugher and things falling in the kitchen. I knew that laugh was definitely Mia's, but the other laugh I wasn't so sure about.

"No! Ah, shit!" I heard Mia's laughter again, along with the unknown persons. I furrowed my eyebrows and began walking towards the kitchen door but it swung open before I could get to it and Mia and Serena ran out, flour, cracked eggs, and a whole bunch of other stuff was all over the kitchen.

I took off my shoes and stepped in, then squeezed my eyes shut as I felt I stepped on something really squishy.

I swear if I stepped in icing...

I looked down at my sock. One look was all it took.


"Oh fuck, Serena run! Go hurry-" I heard tumbling from the stairs and made my way over there.

There they lay, Mia and Serena, in pain at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ugh, my fucking body hurts like shit.."

"I know, maybe chasing each other with all this stuff on us was a bad idea." Serena clutched her side as Mia rolled around.

Then she suddenly turned to face Serena.

"But you gotta admit, falling down like 100 steps in a stair case was fun as shit," Mia said and Serena nodded then they both started laughing.

What. The. Hell?

They just ruined her kitchen, then fell down a flight of stairs. How is any of that funny?

"Oo, why the sour look Jay?" She had a pout on her lips, I knew the only reason she called me that was because she knew I was angry but it's been so long since I've heard her call me that, I had to stop myself from smiling.

I missed hearing her calling me that along with all the other nick names she called me.

"Don't...don't try and keep me from being mad." I pointed at her, smiling. She cursed and slammed back onto the floor. And they were always talking about me having fits all the time, sure it was always just me.


"Mia! What the fuck did you do to the kitchen?!" Sydney yelled and Mia and Serena's eyes widened.

"Got damnit." She says got cause she rather not say God with a curse word.

I laughed as they lazily stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Now kids, that's why you shouldn't make messes in kitchens cause then you have to clean it all up and face the consequences.

I just went in the living room and plopped on the couch turning on the tv, see, no consequences for me.


Mia and Serena were now taking a nap upstairs, they took showers and cleaned their mess. It took them a few hours and they were tired, that's why their taking a nap of course.

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