Chapter 21.

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*One Month Later*

Chilling and watching Netflix with Xander is pretty much all I've been doing, along with playing video games.

I don't really hang out with Blake and I've been having these odd dreams- more like déjà vu... shouldn't matter. I think.

Anyways, We were currently watching Tarzan 2.

Xander picked it.

"ZOOOOOOGOOOOORRRREEE!!" Xander was mocking the one Ape who posed as Zoogore, just to scare the other animals for fun.

I really like this movie, even though the beginning is kind of sad cause all the other mommy apes thinks he's trouble and they think he died because of that dumb tree they walked across had fell and Tarzan was in it so they started talking shit and he heard cause he was really alive.

And sadly he believed them and ran off, making everyone believe he really was dead but that's how he met Zoogore.

"Mommy?" OH YEAH! That's another thing i accidentally forgot to mention. Not only did I get attached but so did Xander, he started calling me Mommy just a few weeks ago but I don't think it's such a big deal.

He didn't grow up with a mom or dad and now that I think of it neither did I- yeah I'm gonna change the subject now.

"What's up?" I looked over to him sipping out the straw of my juice box. It was almost done, I think I need to get another one...

"Can you please bring some more popcorn?" I smiled at him and nodded grabbing the empty bowl.

"Do you need another juice box? I know I do.." I chuckled, he sipped one last time before frowning down at it.

"There's no more!" He pouted, I shook my head laughing.

"It's all good, let me just get you another. I'll be quick though" I grabbed his empty juice box and opened my room door - I decided to stay in a room here with Xander.

   For some reason I've just been very uncomfortable with Blake.. I began walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

As I was throwing away the empty juice boxes I heard two voices quietly talking. I set the bowl down onto the counter and walked over to the kitchen door pushing it open just a bit to where I could see the two people and hear them but they couldn't see me.

Serena and Blake.

Hm, now I'm suspicious...

"I think I know what- who I want." I heard Blake say to Serena looking her directly in the eyes making her blush.

But then, her smile was replaced with a frown. "If it is me, we should tell her the truth.." She looked at Blake with sad eyes. "I don't think she'd take it to heart, it seems as if shes already inching away from you," that's cause I am. Duh. Blake sighed and nodded at her words.

"Yeah, she's catching on but slower than I would've thought." What's that supposed to mean? I know I'm slow at times but damn. "I'll tell her," He smirked and Serena chuckled before turning her head towards me making me jump.

I hit my head on the door.

I groaned rubbing the spot that was hurt. "You know, we're both were-wolves Mia. We could hear your heart beating from right here," Serena laughed and I cursed under my breath.

Stupid were wolf hearing.

"We need to talk," Blake said motioning me over to sit on the couch. I slowly made my over to them and sat on a separate couch. We all were on our own couches.

The Great Divide // Justin Bieber Alien Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin