Chapter 35.

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I decided to continue it for one or two more chapters 💖

Narrators pov

Lying down in his and Mia's room, Penguins Of Madagascar was playing on Netflix. He was cuddled under the covers and loudly chewed on his popcorn.


Well because he knows that if Mia was there and if she saw him doing that, she'd get mad. But she isn't there so he, along with the other boys, have been doing what they wanted all day knowing that the girls aren't there to scold them.

The door to the room bursts open and Brooklyn peeks his head in, trying to find Justin. "Justin, ya in here mate?" His British accent was strong.

"Yeah." Justin said popping up from under the blankets.

"Wanna go somewhere?" Justin thought about it and began shaking his head up and down. Since Mia wasn't here he was pretty bored, he might as well do something.

"Alright get dressed and stuff then come downstairs," Justin nodded and quickly ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

It was already the next day, but he got a reassuring text from Mia that everything was fine it's just that something came up that's why they didn't come as promised.

He didn't suspect a thing. Of course he didn't think for a second that maybe Mia was in trouble.

As a matter of fact, no one suspected anything.

And that was just how the Mayor wanted it to be.


Feeling a sharp pain in her arm, Mia woke up and tried to sit up but noticed she was tied with rope.

As she looked around in the enclosed, small space, she wasn't the only one uncomfortably lying on the floor.

She wiggled her way closer to Tea and lightly kicked her shin.

"Hm," Tea slowly began to wake up and when she did and began to realize where she was. "What the hell.." She whispered and wiggled in the ropes also.

"I know a way to get out of these," Mia accidentally startled her. "Sorry." She told her, smiling slightly.

"No, it's okay. What happened?"

"Well, the mayor and his sleeping goons over there," She pointed to the sleeping suited guys. "Yeah they helped him attack and kidnap us. I swear when I get out these damn ropes I'm gonna-"

"WHERES KENNETH?!" Leah yelled waking up out of some dream but ended up banging her head on the metal wall of the van. Tea and Mia giggled quietly.

"Are we in a car or something?" Sydney attempted to look around.

"They threw us in the back of a van." Mia replied and kept trying to get to her back pocket where she kept her lazer pen she ordered online.

She's tried it before and it actually sliced a wooden table in half.

She calls it her "secret agent toy".

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