Chapter 36.

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Soooo sorry 💞 Ik I took fucking forever 😁🙄

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Soooo sorry 💞 Ik I took fucking forever 😁🙄


As they drove, me and the girls silently sat in the back seat staring out the windows watching the cars and lights just pass by us.

The thoughts of just banging open the back doors to this van and just risking it and jumping, ran through my mind like the blood running through my veins but then I think about it and remember if I do that then my friends lives will be in danger.

That plan definitely wouldn't be one of the best.

The Mayor is just so damn frustrating and it's pissing me the hell off. Him threatening my mate angered me the most out of everything, all I wanna do is reach up to the drivers seat and just knock that nigga out and steal the wheel.

It'd be like I'm in GTA but sadly life isn't a game, if I play it something bad could happen and we'd also have Holly's dumb ass to deal with too but then again all I gotta do is let Leah get her.

Leah hates her already and then I'm positive Sydney and Tea will jump in.

Shit, maybe it is a good idea...

Nah, we'll just continue with plan A.

Annoy him.

"Where are we going?"

"Why did you take us?"

"I want food."

"I'm thirsty."

"You know it's illegal to kidnap right?"

"Yeah and doing illegal things isn't really okay for a MAYOR to do."

"I thought mayors were the good guys of the city?!"

"No, that only exists in movies cause he sure as hell ain't no good guy."

"I know right, he's the villain."

"A ugly one!" We all started laughing out asses off to the point where we couldn't even breath.

"CAN YALL SHUT UP FOR MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES?! OR EVEN A SECOND! JUST PLEASE BE QUIET!" We all smirked, liking the fact that we irritated the hell out of him.

"No thank you. I like talking," I replied, staring him right in the eye.

"Ugh! Just shut up!"

"Bitch." I heard Tea mumble and I quietly giggled beside her.


I yawned, stretching but hit my hand on a metal- SHIT I FORGOT I WAS STILL IN THE VAN!


I jolted up and looked around and made sure what I was fearing the most didn't happen.

Luckily, all the girls were lying sound asleep where we were before we fell asleep.

I sighed in relief and stood up, tiptoeing to the back door of the van. Before I could even place my hand against it, it swung open and a gush of wind hit me so hard I almost feel to the floor.

"Get out, it's time y'all see what your real punishment shall be." Bitch ass Mayor Juarez said, that same evil smirk never leaving his face.

"Why are you just standing there?! Wake them up!" He yelled in my face.

"You may be older and stronger than me cause you're a man but that doesn't mean you have the right to yell at me for no damn reason! Kidnapped or not, I do not tolerate assholes who think they can boss me around." I huffed and turned around, and gently started to wake the girls up.

"Tea, Sydney, Leah, get your little asses up, we got shit to do." Sydney groaned and sat up looking at me. She was still half asleep.

"What do you mean by 'we got shit to do'?" She asked me, and I just brushed her question off.

"I'll explain later but for now we need to just be cooperative. Cooperative enough to where that dick face can trust us,"


"You want us to get make overs?! You want us to change WHO WE ARE?!"

(Don't want us to loseeeee what we are!! ❤️ I love that song 😻)


"So we're gonna be in the city," Tea paused. "Working for you?" I finished.

"Everyday?" Sydney asked.

"Yes, and....yes!" He laughed and I gave him a disgusted look. I just wondered how someone could be so freaking happy about keeping 4 teenage girls hostage for no damn reason, he's really a fucking psycho path.

"This is stupid." I rolled my eyes.

"For real like don't you already have enough people working for you?" Leah questioned.

"He probably doesn't cause no one likes his ugly ass," i said looking him in the eye, the girls laughed and he glared at all of us.

"What y'all don't know about why I'm making y'all get make overs is the best part." He smirked, looking out his office window.

"You'll all be so close to your mates and boyfriends but guess what? They won't recognize you!" He laughed hysterically in our faces, and I just shook my head.

His dumb ass knows I'm smart, he knows I can make the best plans and yet he tells me some dumb shit like this?

Best believe me and my girls are getting our asses away from this psychotic mayor and I'm also bumping his ass out of his position as mayor.

Who knows, maybe I'll even become mayor.


Next chapter is the epilogue then the sequel!! 😁😁😏😏😉😉

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~ 🐢🦄

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