Friendly Spar

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A/n: There's gonna be a few chapters during the Cadets Corps section since canonically, they spend three years here so I'm just gonna use this to build up Mutasim's relationships with Annie and others. 

Mutasim P.O.V

Some time had passed since I blew Mikasa off, letting out just a fraction of my anger out on her, making it clearer to her stubborn self that I didn't want anything to do with her. Initiation was a cake walk for me. All we had to do was prove we could balance properly for more than a minute without failing. Unfortunately, Eren was also able to succeed despite him being a complete wreck for the majority of the training. 

Over the past few months, the 104th Cadet Corps had been training tirelessly against Titan dummies, how to manoeuvre with ODM gear, learning about Titans and their weak spots and more. But out of all of it, there was nothing that seemed stranger to me than us being taught how to fight with CQC. In a fight against the Titans, it didn't seem like it'd be much good. But thinking about it, I realised it wasn't just honing Titan fighting skills. The top 10 graduates would be given the offer to join the Military Police and live an easy life. If the cadets excelled in everything, they'd easily be allowed to join the MPs. 

And despite me seeing CQC training as uninteresting to me, I couldn't deny that it was a good exercise for me. It also helped me vent out some of my inner anger that I've been building up for a long while now. 

As of right now, I had just finished sparring against Jean, a hot head who also didn't like Eren. This guy wanted to live in the interior and to do that, he planned on joining the Military Police. And unlike Eren, I respected his choice. Not everyone wants to face certain death like me. 

Jean: Damn... 

Mutasim: Didn't go too hard, did I? 

Jean: No... Just... My mind's somewhere else. 

I held my hand out to him, allowing him to grab it as I lifted him up to his feet. 

Mutasim: If you want to get it off your chest, now's the time. Everyone else is too focused on their partners. 

Jean: No... Its nothing important anyway. But, I am curious about something. Mind if I ask you something a little personal? 

Mutasim: Shoot your shot. 

Jean: Why do you grow your hair out like that? Doesn't it put you at a disadvantage? 

Mutasim: Maybe, but I can still see through it. Besides, its just preference. I like my hair long. 

Jean: Alright then, if you say so. I've gotta say though, I'm surprised you've not had any accidents with the ODM either. I mean, I've seen you use it and I've seen your hair go flying. 

Mutasim: Is this your way of worrying for my safety? 

Jean: I mean... Kinda? Look, I just don't want to see a cadet dying during training. That's just embarrassing. 

Mutasim: Keep talking like that and you might just end up being that dying cadet. 

His face turned pale from my cold response, making him raise his hands in surrender. 

Jean: O-Okay, let's calm down now. Man, you are intense sometimes. I thought Mikasa and Annie were tense, but... I don't know. You probably give them a run for their money. 

Mutasim: Let's just keep training, unless you wanna swap partners. 

Jean: Uhh... Yeah, sure. I'll go see if Marco's available. 

Mutasim: Alright. 

The boy left me alone to go and spar with his pal, Marco. While Jean wanted to live in the interior, Marco actually had noble intent and wished to serve the King. Though, I wasn't really in support of the whole nobility thing. Just seemed dumb to me. As far as I'm concerned, the King hasn't really done anything for his people. 

Angel in Hell (Abused Male OC x Annie Leonhardt)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz