Day with Annie

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Mutasim P.O.V

A week had passed since I took Annie up on her offer to learn some of her moves. Everytime we had CQC training, we'd practice using her techniques and we also practiced at night since it allowed my wing to breathe a little. Turns out the moves were easier to learn than I originally thought. 

Aside from that, training's been the usual. I excelled in just about everything. Right now, all the cadets were gathered in the dining hall for breakfast. Yet things seemed... different. For instance, we all woke up a lot later and we weren't scolded by the Commandant. Speaking of the Commandant, he wasn't even here! 

Looking up from my plate, I turned to Annie who was sat down on my right. 

Mutasim: Hey Annie, where's Shadis? 

Annie: No idea. Why do you ask? 

Mutasim: Its just... Isn't it weird we woke up later than usual? Without being scolded or anything? 

Annie: Now that you mention it... It is strange. 

Reiner: What? You didn't hear? 

The two of us turned to Reiner who sat opposite us, right next to Bertholdt. 

Mutasim: Hear what?

Bertholdt: The Commandant left last night because he had a meeting with all the other Regiment Commanders. I guess he went as an advisor since he used to be the Scout Regiment Commander. 

Mutasim: Really? I had no idea. 

Reiner: Yeah. But that was a long time ago. And as far as we're aware, Shadis didn't get anyone to cover our training. 

Mutasim: So... Training's off for the day? 

Bertholdt: I guess so. 


We turned around behind us to see a certain girl with brown hair stand up. She was given the nickname Potato Girl, but her real name was Sasha Braus. And she was a bit of a food freak. 

Sasha: The Commandant isn't here?! Let's raid the food storage! There has to be meat! Right?! 

Conny: Sasha! Calm down. 

Jean: Pretty sure the Commandant would notice missing food when he gets back. 

Sasha: Aww! Okay... How about a party?! We all deserve a break, right? 

Armin: Really? A party? 

Mina: Well... We have been training with barely any breaks... 

Thomas: How do we set up a party in a military training camp? 

Sasha: We can work together to figure it out. Who's the best at strategic thinking? 

Marco: Armin. 

Jean: Armin. 

Reiner: Armin. 

Everyone looked at Armin, making the blonde boy sigh. 

Armin: I don't know about this... But I guess I can figure something out. 

Mikasa: Armin, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. 

Armin: Its okay. Besides, I guess we can do with a break. 

Sasha: YES!!!

I rolled my eyes and turned back around, picking up my mug and having a small sip. 

Reiner: What? Not the party type Mutasim? 

Mutasim: No. Not in the slightest. 

Reiner: Heh. You know... You and Annie are basically a match made in heaven. 

Angel in Hell (Abused Male OC x Annie Leonhardt)Where stories live. Discover now