The Devil Titan

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Mutasim P.O.V

A few days have passed since I joined up with the Scouts and it wasn't really what I was expecting at first. When we arrived at the Scouts HQ, we spent most of our time cleaning up the base from top to bottom. Captain Levi took it VERY seriously. 

But after the past few days, we finally went on a mission, an expedition outside of the Walls. Currently, we were riding on horses, heading out to the mission area. We maintained a tight formation as we kept moving. The mission was to clear a path for more potential expeditions. And the only way to do that was to kill the Titans. 

Levi: Alright, this is where we branch off. Eld, Gunther, you're with me. Petra, Oruo and Mutasim, you three will hang back and cover our retreat if we need it. 

Petra: Understood! 

Levi, Eld and Gunther rode up ahead, leaving Petra, Oruo and I behind. The three of us came to a stop and watched as the other trio rode. We just needed to hope that there weren't too many Titans for them to deal with. 

Oruo: Why couldn't I go with them? I can handle those giant punks myself. 

Petra: Oruo, this is a team effort. If the Captain told us to hang back, we do as he says. 

Oruo: Yeah, but there's only three of them fighting a horde of Titans. And we're all the way back here doing nothing. 

Petra: We're not doing nothing. We're keeping this place secure. Now let's keep an eye out for any incoming Titans. 

Oruo: Yeah, yeah... 

I remained silent and did as Petra said, keeping an eye out for any Titans. However, as I did that, I felt... Weird. I wasn't sure how to put it into words, but it was like my head was spinning. If I listened really closely, I thought I could hear something whispering in my ear. Maybe it was just nerves. I shook my head, ignoring whatever it was. 

Suddenly, a red flare shot up into the air. 

Petra: Looks like they've encountered their first Titan. 

Mutasim: How do we know if there's too many? 

Petra: Then they'll fire a blue flare which is an order to retreat. And if we have to retreat, I can only assume that it means mission failed. 

Mutasim: What are the odds we'll be able to win this fight? 

Petra: Honestly... They're pretty slim. The Titans out here come in overwhelming numbers. It wouldn't surprise me if the Captain had low hopes for this mission. That might be why he kept some of us behind. 

Oruo: What? You're saying he thinks we're not good enough? 

Petra: I never said that-

Oruo: But you were implying it. 

Petra: Oruo, don't start this now in front of the kid. 

Mutasim: Is this normal for you guys? 

Petra: I really wish it wasn't sometimes...

Nodding, I turned away and immediately noticed a Titan approaching us. It had short blonde hair and stood at around 10 metres tall. 

Mutasim: Titan incoming. 

Oruo and Petra looked at where I was looking and pulled their blades out. 

Petra: Alright. Mutasim, you hang back here. Oruo and I will take care of it. 

Mutasim: What's the point in me joining the Scouts if I'm not gonna fight? 

Oruo: Calm down kid. This is your first mission. Until we all know that you're actually good in a fight, we'd rather keep you out of harms way. 

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