Party Your Sorrows Away

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Mutasim P.O.V

After that incident in the forest, I had no idea what to think. I mean... I know what I felt, but Annie... She just ran... Why? Was the idea of a relationship too much? I mean, I could understand that. Maybe I was just being too direct or maybe because of how alone I've been my whole life, I was just being too desperate for some form of affection from someone that didn't abuse and use me. 

I was able to reach my dorm without being spotted and I was sat down in my dorm room on my bed. I covered my body up, concealing my wing and arm and now I was just... Reflecting. However, while I was on my own train of thought, I heard my room door open, revealing Armin. 

Armin: Hey Mutasim. 

Mutasim: Huh? Oh, hey Armin. Need something? 

Armin: Uh actually, I came by to see if you wanted to join the party. Sasha and Christa are checking on any of the girls, seeing if they want to join the party so I figured I'd do the same for the boys. But I won't force you to come along. 

Taking a moment to think about it, I nodded, standing up from my seat. 

Mutasim: Alright. Sure. 

Armin: Cmon. We should get back before Sasha gets there first. 

Mutasim: Yeah, she might eat all the food. 

I said with a sly smile. Armin nodded slightly, but his eyes widened. 

Armin: H-Huh? M-Mutasim... Y-Your eye...

My eyes widened as I remembered I didn't conceal my right eye, prompting me to slap my hand over my eye. 

Mutasim: Shit! D-Don't tell anyone about it! Alright?! 

Armin: I-I won't, but... Is it a health problem or... something else? 

Mutasim: Honestly? I have no idea, but its definitely not a health problem. For as long as I remember, my eye's been like that. 

Armin: Okay. I understand, you like to keep it to yourself. Does... Anyone else know? 

Mutasim: Yeah. Eren, Mikasa and Annie. 

Armin: And... I already know you're not on the best terms with Mikasa and Eren. But what does Annie think? 

Mutasim: She... Doesn't seem to care. Can't say the same for Eren though. Anyway, I'd rather not keep talking about this. 

Armin: Right, sorry. 

The two of us left the boys' dorm and made our way to the dining hall, seeing more than a few cadets partying from the outside. Cheers erupted from the inside. 

Mutasim: Sounds like everyone's enjoying themselves. 

Armin: Yeah. I'm not really a party person, but it is nice to see people having fun. We spend so much of our time training to fight for our lives that we don't really get a chance to enjoy living. 

Mutasim: Yeah, sounds about right. So what can I expect from this party? 

Armin: Not much. There's not much we could do with what we had here except set up food and make up some games. 

We entered the dining hall and saw there was practically a feast set up. Meat, bread and other food was all set up. People lined up to collect their food, with the exception of Sasha who was tied up against a wall to prevent her from stealing all the food for herself. Despite her being tied up, she still put up a fight, trying to break free from her binds to reach the food. 

Aside from people collecting food, I saw there was an arm wrestle match going on between some of the stronger cadets as a contest and some cadets were playing Chess. Where they got the chessboard from, I had no idea. 

Armin: Welcome to the party. 

Reiner waved me over as he had just won an arm wrestling match. 

Reiner: Hey! Mutasim! Cmon! Have a go. 

I shrugged and approached Reiner. 

Mutasim: Alright sure. Who am I going up against? 

Reiner: Me. I wanna see just how tough you are. Left hand. 

Mutasim: Alright, you're on. 

I took a seat and we held hands tightly. Bertholdt kept our hands in place, making sure there was no cheating. 

Bertholdt: Alright guys. Ready? 3... 2... 1... Go! 

As soon as he let go, Reiner and I began to push each other's hands down, trying to overwhelm the other. If this was my right hand, I'd have won in an instant. Reiner gripped the edge of the table with his free hand, straining from how hard he was trying to push my hand down. He was winning too! Right when the back of my fist was about to touch the table, I felt Reiner's arm give way, allowing me to push him back up. 

We stayed motionless for a little bit, but I was able to push his hand down a little more, making him falter slightly. But that was all I needed to win the match as I was able to slam his hand down. A slight chuckle left my lips while Reiner just let out a defeated sigh. 

Reiner: Damn...! 

Mutasim: Sorry Reiner, but it was a good match. 

Reiner: Yeah. Good match. 

We shook hands as a sign of good faith before separating. I stood up from the seat, allowing someone else to arm wrestle. 

Bertholdt: Enjoying yourself Mutasim? 

Mutasim: Yeah. How about you? 

Bertholdt: Yeah. This party really lifts the mood up after what we've been through. Its nice seeing everyone happy. 

Mutasim: Yeah...

Bertholdt: Honestly, I thought you weren't going to join the party. No offence, but you usually keep close to yourself. 

Mutasim: Yeah. Well... I thought about it and... I guess I had a change of heart. There's a lot on my mind and I figured this party is what I need. 

Bertholdt: Yeah. I think we all needed this. Do you know if Annie's going to come here? 

Mutasim: I... I don't know. 

Bertholdt: Hm? What's wrong? You sound... upset. 

Mutasim: Its nothing. Like I said, I've got a lot on my mind. 

Bertholdt: Right, sorry. Anyway, are you hungry? Meat's in short supply so if you want it, you'll need to get it right now. 

Mutasim: Thanks Bert. Enjoy yourself. 

Bertholdt: You too. 

Taking his advice, I picked up a plate and lined up to get some food. All around me was friendly chatter. People were all happy together finally being able to ease up on the training for once. I couldn't blame them. I was the same. As much as I enjoyed training, even I had to know we needed breaks. 

The rest of the party was enjoyable, but there were a few... "issues". And by that, I meant Eren and Jean kept getting into fights with each other over the smallest of things. It had gotten REALLY annoying. When they started fighting for the 5th time, I decided to call it a night and returned to my dorm. 

As soon as I entered my room, I immediately laid down on my bed, falling asleep within moments. 

But I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Annie. 

Angel in Hell (Abused Male OC x Annie Leonhardt)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora