Sad But True

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Mutasim P.O.V

The plan was in motion. Armin, Eren and Mikasa were leading Annie to the underground tunnel, but as for how it was progressing, I couldn't say. The remaining members of the Levi Squad believed it best that I shouldn't watch plan A, fearing that I might get cold feet. And in all honest,y I don't blame them. Annie was my first ever friend and I loved her. Petra knew all too well about my situation and knew I really did care for Annie. But how do you comfort someone who's friend and crush is a murderer? 

I sigh as I lean the back of my head against a chimney. 

Oruo: You feeling okay kid? 

Mutasim: Do you have any idea how much of a stupid question that is?

Oruo: Right, right. Sorry... Just... I know you care about this girl, Mutasim. But she killed so many of us. Do you really think she'll just co-operate? 

Mutasim: I never said that. This whole thing is a giant "maybe it'll work, maybe it won't". Point is, we don't know if we don't try. 

Petra: Yeah... 

I look down at the necklace and gloves Gunther and Eld got me. At least I had something to remember them by. Their bodies were left behind due to Titans chasing us and nearly killing us. It pained me that they didn't get a proper funeral. I shake my head and continue waiting. 


A burst of lightning appeared and the ground quaked from the impact. I immediately jump to my feet and look at the source of the lightning, seeing Annie in her Titan form. 

Mutasim: Plan B it is... 

Petra: Mutasim, are you sure you want to go through with this? 

Mutasim: I'm sure that I don't want to. But... The luxury of choice isn't something I have in this situation. 

Oruo: Then gear up and let's move! 

With a nod, Oruo and Petra draw their swords and move on to aid the others, hoping to halt Annie's and her attempt to capture Eren. While they went to distract Annie, I climbed down into the underground, hoping to find Eren and the others. Fortunately for me, I was quick to find them. 

Mutasim: What the hell happened?!

Mikasa: Annie was prepared. She had a blade on a ring and she cut herself. 

A ring with a blade? That sounded like what Oruo got me as a gift. But... I'm still wearing mine. Looked like Annie saw the benefit of that too. 

Mutasim: Damn... 

I notice the roof is caved in a little further down. 

Eren: I know what I have to do! I'll change! I'll shield you guys just like that time with the cannon fire! Get in close! 

He wraps his arms around Mikasa and Armin, but I just keep my distance. 

Armin: Mutasim, come on. 

Mutasim: Eren... Do you even know how to trigger your transformation? 

Eren: Huh? Of course I do! 

Mutasim: Prove it. 

He nods and bites deep into his thumb, but there's no transformation. Just as I expected. He keeps biting, going deeper. I shake my head. 

Mutasim: That's not it. Yes, you've got the injury part down, but that alone isn't enough. 

Mikasa: How would you know this? 

Mutasim: Just hear me out. You need to have a clear goal in mind as you injure yourself. Whether it's something as trivial as picking up a giant boulder, or fighting an entire army, your desire needs to be clear. And it needs to be strong. I'll buy you time to figure it out. That is, if I haven't beaten you to it. 

Angel in Hell (Abused Male OC x Annie Leonhardt)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora