Eren's Fate

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Mutasim P.O.V

After reclaiming the Trost District from the new hole in the Wall, the fighting had died down and repairs were underway. A lot of damage was done to the buildings from the Titan's rampage and a lot of lives were lost in the battle. The Scouts, including myself and the Levi Squad, were briefed on what had happened and what was next. According to reports, Eren had transformed into a Titan and it was thanks to his ability that the hole was able to be sealed. He had carried a giant boulder and used it to seal up broken section. 

I'll admit, I was amazed and annoyed that Eren had that kind of power too. I thought I was the only one, and in a way, I'm almost glad I'm not. But at the same time, why him? Of all people, why did it have to be that scummy little brat? Not only that, but if there could be other Titan Shifters, the odds of there being even more was way up there. Which meant anyone could be a suspect. Erwin called me into his office shortly after we returned to base and we talked about that possibility. Since that could very well be the case, he wanted me to keep an eye on other regiments. Or more precisely, the Military Police. If anyone was most likely to be working to destroy the Walls, the MPs were the best ones to look out for. They did, after all, reside in the interior. 

But that mission would have to wait. As of now, I stood next to Captain Levi and Commander Erwin in a court house. The Garrison, Scouts and some other cadets, including Armin and Mikasa, were stood with me too. On the opposite side were some Wall fanatics and the Military Police. Hordes of citizens were also stood elsewhere in the room and even looked down from the higher levels. With all the fear Eren's roused up with his power, it made me think about what would've happened if I was revealed. They'd most certainly treat me the same. 

Almost as if sensing my dismay, I felt someone grab onto my hand and squeeze gently. Turning to my left, I saw it was Petra. 

Petra: Try not to think about it. Okay? 

I nodded slowly and let out a silent sigh. 

Mutasim: Right. Sorry. 

The doors opened and a handcuffed Eren was escorted into the centre of the court room. He was forced to kneel as a pillar was placed down over his handcuffs, keeping him from escaping. As soon as he was down, an old man came out and sat on the judge's seat. He would be the one to decide Eren's fate. As much as I hated to say it, it'd be a lot more beneficial if we were able to recruit Eren. Two Titan Shifters are better than one after all. I just hoped he wouldn't be too much trouble...

Judge: Shall we begin? You are Eren Yeager, a soldier who has sworn to give his life for the people. Is that correct? 

Eren: Yes. 

Judge: Given the extroadinary circumstances, this deliberation will be held as a court-martial; regular law will not apply. In other words, I have full decision making authority in this matter, which includes determining whether you live or die. Any objections? 

Eren: No, sir. 

Judge: Your astuteness is appreciated. I'll get right to the point. As expected, concealing your existence has proved impossible. Unless we publicly disclose your existence in one fashion or another we risk the outbreak of a new non-Titan threat. It falls to me which regiment should take charge of you. The Military Police Regiment... Or the Scout Regiment... Now let's hear what the Military Police Regiment proposes. 

MP commander: Yes. I, Nile Dawk, Commander of the Military Police, offer the following proposal. We believe that, after a thorough examination of Eren's body, he should be disposed of immediately. It's true that his Titan ability helped thwart this latest incursion. However, his existence is now stirring up rebellious ideas as well. As such, after he's provided as much information as possible, he will be made a fallen warrior of humanity. 

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