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Mutasim P.O.V

Ever since my powers had surfaced, I was given a lot of the more difficult missions to do. And to mine and other's surprise, I was able to get the job done and annihilated hundreds of Titans. After a string of victories, Humanity had taken back so much land. Erwin commended my determination and powers, titling me the "Hope for Humanity". Though I still felt uneasy about hiding my power from the rest of Humanity. I should have been held on trial. But then again, knowing how people get when they're taken by fear, it was probably for the best. 

Currently, I was cleaning up the table after dinner. Petra was helping me out. I really appreciated her since she didn't think so differently of me when it came to my powers. The others were still skeptical of me which I couldn't fault them for. But Petra? She was willing to look past it. 

Petra: Since when were you such a good cook? 

Mutasim: Me? Oh well, I did a lot of cooking when I was a kid. Back before the whole Colossal Titan thing. 

Petra: You must have been eating well. 

Mutasim: Hah... Yeah, sure... 

If only she knew that wasn't the case. But I'd rather not think about that. I piled up the plates and took them to the sink as I began to wash them. 

Petra: Hey, are you alright? 

Mutasim: Yeah, of course. 

Petra: Right. Its just you've been hard at work with these missions. I just don't want you pushing yourself too hard. You might have some crazy powers, but you're still human. 

Mutasim: Thanks Petra. But I'm fine, really. 

Petra: Okay then. 

Mutasim: What about you? Are you okay? 

Petra: Yeah. These missions are a little more scary compared to what we've seen before, but we're getting a lot more supplies for everyone else behind the Walls. That's something, right? 

Mutasim: Yeah. 

Petra: Um... If you don't mind me asking, how was the Cadets Corp for you? 

Mutasim: Oh. It, uh... It was alright, I guess. Training was nothing too difficult. 

Petra: Really? Mostly when people talk about their time, they say what a gruelling time it was. 

Mutasim: Not me. 

Petra: Okay. And what about friends? Did you make any back in the Cadets Corp? 

Mutasim: Well... Sort of. I made one friend, a girl. 

Petra: Oh. Was it a umm... Something more or... S-Sorry! I shouldn't be prying. Forget I asked. 

Mutasim: Its fine. Besides I don't mind talking about this kind of stuff with you. You're like the older sister of the group. 

Petra: Heh. Yeah, I guess so. I never really thought of it like that, but it feels nice. Anyway, I need to go clean up my room before the Captain starts his room search. Will you be okay here? 

Mutasim: Yeah. Goodnight Petra. 

Petra: Goodnight Mutasim. 

She patted my back before leaving the room. I let out a low sigh as soon as she left, continuing to clean the dishes. After cleaning a plate, I took a look at my reflection. My hair had grown out little longer and I now had a scar over my left cheek. It took the form of a small cut. While I could have just regenerated and gotten rid of the scar, I just didn't want to. I liked to wear it as a reminder that I'm not the same little kid that I once was. 

Angel in Hell (Abused Male OC x Annie Leonhardt)Where stories live. Discover now